Chapter 11

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I woke up the next day. Lee Know wasn't in the room. I remembered I had training today. Honestly, I don't want to go at all.

I was walking and I saw the clothes I wore to the party. I started shaking and ran into the bathroom and quickly locked the door crying. I ran my fingers over the cuts I had from him. I hope he dies.

I got out of the shower. Then I heard Jade moan. Ugh is this what I'm going to hear every morning. I just ignored them and continued getting ready. I ran downstairs and found Lee Know in the kitchen.

"Good morning" His voice was still a little raspy. God it was hot as hell. "Good morning, oh and um can you throw away my clothes from the party" I could see the guilt in his eyes. "Oh yeah sorry, are you okay," Lee Know said as his voice cracked and the guilt in his eyes building up. "It's okay, and yeah it just made me freak out a little, and don't blame yourself," I said running up hugging him. "We should go start training," He said breaking the hug. I nodded and followed him.

"Today you're going to practice with me and tomorrow with changbin then the day after hyunjin, we are going to stick to that schedule till the mission" I nodded and he continued on "Now let's go find a sniper that will be perfect for you". After testing a couple I finally found the one that fit me. "You sure that's pretty hard for a beginner," He said scratching his nape. "I'm positive".

He taught me all the basics. How to hold it properly, What to do, What not to do, etc. I tried shooting I missed every time. I heard Lee Know to groan and scoffed. "It's my first time can you stop if your so disappointed fix what I'm doing wrong" I snapped at him. He rolled his eyes. "What's your problem, I can't get it perfect the first time" I yelled at him. He's really pushing my limits right now.

He walked up behind me and put the gun in my hands properly. His arm went around me and his hands went to where my hands were. He whispered in my ear. "Get comfortable and relax, then when your ready pull the trigger," He said bitting my ear. I shivered as chills went down my spine.

I took his advice and pulled the trigger and hit the dummy right in the head. "Holy shit that's really good for a beginner and with that type of gun" His mouth dropped to his toes. I shot him a smirk. I could see him blush a little.

After more practice of me missing and hitting the target, Lee Know finally called it to an end. "You hit more than half that's good," He said with a smile. I smiled back at him and grabbed some water. "Your good to go now," He said grabbing his water. His veins were popping out of his neck and arms as he sipped his water. His shirt was hugging his chest and arms. God, he looked hot. "Are you going to stop drooling all over me?" He said laughing. "Oh um well I'll get going now," I said blushing. I ran out to the living room.

"How was practice," Chan said stopping me. "It was pretty good, she definitely was drooling all over me," Lee Know said coming out of the practice room. I started running away again but then I ran into Jade. "Dude you okay" she looked a little rough. Her hair was crazy and her neck was purple. "Oh um yeah, do you happen to have a turtle neck I have to go home today and um yeah," She said scratching her head. "Yeah but first you have to go out in the living room chan needs you," I said, I was lying but I just wanted them to pick on her. Felix came out of now where. "Does he really need her". I shook my head and he slapped me. "Your evil".

She walked out and Chan's mouth dropped. "HAN" Chan said screaming. I heard at least 5 more people coming down. "Oh shit he's in some shi- holy fuck Han," Hyunjin said running down then seeing jade. "Kaylee said you needed me," Jade said sounding in a rush. Chan started laughing "No I didn't". She shot me a dead eye. I smirked at her. "Damn you are a bitch," Seungmin said looking at me.

"Omg Jade what the hell happened did someone beat you up," I.N said coming downstairs. "Haha, you're too innocent I.N," Han said following I.N and Cassy down the stairs. "Well uh this is weird I'm leaving," Changbin said starting to pull Felix. "Hey at least I don't eat people," Lee Know and Seungmin said screaming at Changbin. "At least I don't finger people on the couch," Changbin said sprinting away with Felix.  Felix fell behind him. Then Changbin came back and kissed him and helped him up. Starting to run away with him again. "WAIT WHAT," Jade and Cassy said yelling. Cassy jumped off the couch.

"I saw it all" I.N said wiping a fake tear. "I heard some stuff too," Han said holding a hand over his ears. "You can't be talking small dick," Lee Know said walking over to him. "Haha, small dick your funny" Jade spoke up. "EW EW STOP" Cassy said screaming. "Alright, I'm going to head out," Seungmin and Hyunjin said leaving holding hands.

"I swear there something up with those two" Chan said under his breath but everyone hearing. Everyone in the room looked at him. "Like dating wise," He said holding his hands up. I mean either way they would be a cute couple. "I can talk to hyunjin," I.N said. Chan nodded.

"On a real note Jade are you gonna die do you need help your neck looks bad" I.N sounding worried. "She's fine they just had a long night if you know what I mean," Lee Know said winking. "Okay ew," I.N said pretending to throw up. "Alright I'm leaving this is just weird and gross," Cassy said running back upstairs. "WAIT FOR ME BABE," I.N said screaming.

"He's so grown-up," Chan said whipping a fake tear. "Damn he got a girlfriend before you did," Han said grabbing some cheesecake. "Haha okay Mr. Fuck buddy you can't be talking," Chan said flicking him off. God there like 3-year-olds. "Who said we were just fuck buddies," Han said then Jade ran upstairs. "WAIT A SECOND" Chan, Lee Know, and I screamed.

I ran upstairs to Jade. "So y'all are dating". Jade nodded her head. "Good, you need a relationship, not one night stands" I shot her a smile. "Yeah, anyways about that shirt do you have one," She said sounding nervous. "Yeah, I do come on"

We both ran into Lee Know the room. He was changing "Oh um sorry" Jade and I said. "Your fine just come in" Jade nudged and I slapped her. "OW what the hell" Jade being over dramatic as always.

Lee Know left the room and Jade ran from the bed to me as fast as she could. "Dude I'm getting the shirt calm down" I pushed her away. "Do you like him?" She said running up to me again. "Maybeee" She jumped on me "DATE HIM" she screamed in my ear. "Can you shut the fuck up and I'm not making the first move so back off". I shoved the shirt in her face.

Lee Know pov

I was just about to walk off but then I heard them talking about me so I stayed and listened. "Do you like him" I heard Jade say. "Maybeee" Then I heard more talking. The last thing. I could make out was Kaylee saying "I'm not making the first move". I need to make a move soon.

Hey, guys how are y'all, I hope you are doing good!

Love and hate // L.MOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora