Part 30

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After 'the incident', as everybody called it for the rest of the day, the conference went relatively well.

The Council drafted a plan, and rogue attacks were discussed in detail.

"Myself and Deputy Alpha Wilcott of Rapid Rock were travelling to my pack a month ago and were ambushed by rogues in Alpha Michaels' pack lands. We still are unsure if it was a planned attack, or if it was one of convenience, but we believe they may have set up camp where the coven previously roosted," Roman announces when it's his go, and Avery nods grimly.

"Thank you, Alpha Lancaster. Alpha Michaels, have you found any evidence of this?" One of the older Council members asks, looking at the fat man at the table next to them.

"Yes, we found humans. Well, we found their bodies. They were used as blood banks, it seems like, rather than used with the intention of being turned. So we believe there may be vampires involved too," the man nods, and a groan goes around the room, everybody slumping backwards into their chairs in annoyance.

"Do we call in the witches again?" One man asks exasperatedly, running his hands through his hair.

"We don't need to rush to judgement. We need to investigate each pack first because the vampires that were in that coven could have been part of the peace treaties. We can't kill them," York sharply responds, his brows furrowed in annoyance.

"Exactly what Wilcott said. We need to check each pack and then report back. If everyone could link their Betas and tell them to start this as soon as possible, it would be appreciated," the original council member sighs. 

Around six, the bell rings.

Everybody stares at the Council, and wait for dismissal.

"Okay, we're done for the day. Tomorrow, we discuss peace treaties and alliances, as well as any issues packs are having with each other. Please bring an itemised list of what you want to discuss, as we don't have time for forgetfulness," the elder booms, and with that, everybody begins leaving the room.

Meredith grabs Avery's hand when she gets close enough, and gapes at her.

"Sorry, you were attacked by rogues?" She gasps, and Avery rolls her eyes.

"Mer, I don't tell you when I get attacked so that your sanity stays intact. Remember, I'm not a Luna," she laughs, shaking her head.

"Not yet, anyway," the other girl taunts, bumping her friend's hip with her own.

"Okay, be in my room at eight. We're having a wine night," Meredith McConaghy smirks, before vanishing to find her mate again.

"Jesus save us," Avery mumbles, rubbing her temples, already being able to feel the hangover she'll have tomorrow.

Roman appears and guides Avery to where their maid is standing, looking visibly distressed.

"I'm very very sorry, but we have been unable to secure a second room for you," she whimpers, and Avery shakes her head.

"Don't worry about it, we'll sort it out," Avery smiles softly, and the woman is shaking as she leads them to the dining hall.

Avery exchanges a concerned look with Roman, who is uncharacteristically quiet.

"Why did Luna McConaghy say you weren't a Luna just yet?" He asks curiously, and Avery rolls her eyes.

"She heard there's an Alpha who's an Unfortunate too, and she's convinced we're going to get together," Avery snorts, flicking her braid over her shoulder as they take their seats. 

"Would that be so ridiculous?" Roman inquires, furrowing his brows.

"No, I just highly doubt that there's an Unfortunate Alpha. There was shock and outrage when I was branded, so I don't know how the news of an Alpha being branded would have been kept quiet," she shrugs, taking a sip of the wine in front of her.

Goddess help her liver after her night of drinking tonight. 

 The dinner passes without incident, and before Avery knows it, she's donning a pair of pyjamas, and wandering over to Meredith's room.

She arrives in time to see Meredith shooing Mark out of the room, and when Meredith lays eyes on her, she pulls her into the room excitedly.

"Okay, we're watching Grease, Dirty Dancing, and something else, but I haven't decided what else, so we're gonna start with those two and work our way from there!" She grins, grabbing the television remote and flinging herself onto the bed.

Avery places herself down, and as soon as she does, Meredith smirks, leans closer to her, and whispers, "Mike and I just screwed here."

Avery groans and jumps up, dumping herself onto a chair beside the bed.

"You are horrible," she mutters, shaking her head.

"Speaking of horrible, tell me all of the sordid, vile details," Meredith smirks, crawling closer to her friend and putting her face in her hands excitedly. 

"Get lost," Avery laughs, shooing her friend away and pushing her chair further away from Meredith and the bed. 

 "No, you can't do this to me," the woman whines, "I've heard so much about Alpha Lancaster, you need to tell me all of the details this instant!"

"We just kiss, that's it," Avery sighs in defeat, shaking her head at the woman in front of her who looks significantly let down by this detail.

"Are you serious? No touching!?" Meredith gasps, getting closer to her friend and grabbing her hand.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry," she says, her face scrunched up with sympathy and pity for her. 

"What? I don't wanna jump on somebody with a dead mate," Avery scoffs, and Meredith pulls back in confusion.

"Dead mate?" Meredith repeats, her voice baffled.

"That's what I said!" She exclaims, hitting the bed with her hands.

"Jesus, I'm too sober for this conversation," Meredith mutters, pouring the first glass of wine.

"What do you mean dead mate?" Meredith sighs, knocking back half a glass and then staring at Avery intently.

"Apparently, his mate Max is dead. Female mate, I checked. But I can't find any reports about it, and we definitely would have heard," Avery complains, throwing herself onto the bed beside Meredith with her own glass of wine, sipping it elegantly as she goes.

"I've never actually heard about him having a mate, come to think of it," Meredith mutters, scrunching her brows and sipping her wine in deep thought.

"I know! Exactly! York has no idea why I'm so curious, even though he knows we've kissed! I knew you'd understand," Avery nods firmly, clinking their glasses together in cheers.

"Yeah, I don't know why you're so hung up on the dead mate thing, though," she shrugs, clicking on the television remote as she says it.

"I feel like I'm intruding on somebody else's property," Avery confesses, looking nervous as she sits up to face her friend.

"Why? If she's dead, she's dead! You deserve happiness, and what if he's your happiness? You'd be letting it go before you had a chance to have it!" Meredith exclaims, leaning closer to her friend and drawing her into a half hug.

"It's too early for this mushy stuff," she mumbles, snuggling into her friend as the opening tune of Grease begins. 

A/N: (June 16th, 2020)

Hello! Since my last update, like, six hours ago (?), we hit 1k reads and over 150 likes! To say I'm delighted is an understatement!!

I'm really hoping you're all liking this little book, hopefully it'll start coming together soon!

Don't be afraid to like, comment, or message me! 

- Aoife :) xx

The Unfortunates | COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें