Part 38

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Avery is dragged to an empty room by Mike and Meredith, who tuck her in and stay for a few minutes until she falls asleep.

"I really don't like this," Meredith murmurs, and Mike nods silently, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"I'll ring York and tell him he'll have to take her home tomorrow, I can't watch her go to Lancaster's pack and be on her own like this," Mike whispers to Meredith, kissing her hair silently.

They watch over Avery for a few more minutes, the atmosphere in the room heavy.

When they eventually leave, they close the door quietly.

Meredith runs a hand through her dark hair in worry and sighs reluctantly.

"If you tell York, I'll go and get her bags from Roman's room?" She suggests, and Mike nods firmly.

"If he goes near you, scream," he scowls, hugging his mate before they depart.

Meredith walks slowly to where Avery stayed, her journey feeling like a death march.

She knows fully well that Avery's misery isn't entirely down to Roman, but she also knows that a part of her hates herself for getting attached to somebody she shouldn't be attached to.

She needs to be at home, where her doctors know her and how to help her, and where she and Lilith are within two hours of her in case she needs them.

Meredith first knocks on Lilith's door, unable to believe she's only known the girl a day. All three of them clicked instantly, and they've been banded together ever since that morning.

Lilith climbs off of Zephyr, who looks somewhat pissed off when the knock sounds throughout the room.

"Babe, just let me see who it is," she murmurs, kissing his lips again before she walks over to the door and pulls it open.

She makes eye contact with Meredith, who looks distressed, and she instantly becomes more alert.

"What's wrong?" She asks, and Meredith visibly cringes.

"I'm so sorry I bothered you, go back and have your sex, I can smell it, I'm so sorry," she blurts, backing away.

"No, you ruined the mood," she teases, "what's wrong?"

Meredith bites her lips hesitantly and then sucks in her cheeks.

"Maybe get Zephyr? He's scarier than me," she mumbles to herself and then nods.

"Zephyr might want to help too; I need to get Avery's stuff out of Roman's room. She needs to go home with York tomorrow, she can't go back to the Lancaster pack right now," Meredith sighs, and Lilith's eyes shoot open.

"What happened?" She gasps, and Zephyr appears behind her, struggling to get himself into a t-shirt.

He has such beautiful arms, Meredith's wolf appreciates, but Mike's are nicer.

She puts up a block between her and her wolf, refraining from rolling her eyes.

"He and Avery had a small disagreement, and then she sort of broke down? I don't want to say much more than that, but I know she should be at home after it," Meredith nods, and Lilith quickly nods.

"Oh, definitely, I'll come with you. Zeph, if you want to stay here, you can - I'll be back in ten minutes, I promise," she swears, kissing his hand before she makes a move towards the door.

"Okay, don't be afraid to mindlink me though, sweetheart," Zephyr nods, making his way back to the bed he was on before.

Lilith and Meredith hurry through the halls to Roman's room, and they knock, waiting for an answer.

As soon as he opens the door, the two women glare up at him.

"We're here to collect Avery's stuff," Meredith announces, and Lilith nods furiously.

Roman opens the door for them silently, looking very confused.

"Where is she?" He asks, and Lilith puffs up her chest while they walk by him.

"Somewhere else, she's going home tomorrow," Lilith replies, her tone firm and unnervingly calm.

Inwardly, she's panicking - she was a rogue for ten years, and in the past month, the only Alpha she's had to be enclosed with properly was Zephyr.

The two begin scooping stuff into Avery's bags, making quick work of it as they split up and cover more ground than they expected.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Roman asks, scowling a little at the silence in the room.

"You upset her, you have no right to try to make her tell you what happened between her and Scott," Meredith spits, storming into the bathroom to retrieve all of Avery's toiletries, grabbing the files she left in there earlier too.

Roman remains quiet, shaking his head in disbelief while his lips are pursed.

"Whatever," he mutters, taking his phone out.

He calls somebody and stays in the corner where the two women aren't, his eyes darting between them as he speaks - or, instead, barks - into the phone, listing demands or shouting orders.

"Not very peaceful for the so-called Alpha of Peace, is he?" Lilith mutters as she walks by Meredith, who lets out a little chuckle when she hears the comment.

"If he was peaceful, he wouldn't pick fights with Ave - twice in one day!" Meredith growls, shaking her head.

A snarl is emitted from Roman's corner. Still, neither of the women turns to face him, completely ignoring his dominating presence in the room as they continue to pack everything Avery brought.

"She seems to have packed for a year," Meredith grumbles, scooping everything off the dressing table into a bag, and dumping it into the last case.

"She's been there a month, I'm not surprised at all," Lilith reminds her, rolling her eyes at her friend's antics.

"I don't know how she survived a month if she can't manage a day here," Meredith sighs, running a hand through her hair.

"They were in the honeymoon phase," Lilith shrugs, zipping up the final case, and then standing up, dusting her hands off.

Roman is slightly upset, and his wolf is miserable, but he can't do anything. If he goes crazy and starts shouting or ordering her two friends around, he knows that Avery will refuse to ever speak to him or see him again properly.

His wolf is cursing him for ruining their chance to be happy again, before he retreats into Roman's head, and doesn't move again.

He also doesn't like the fact that the two women talked about him so openly and brashly - they had no fear about consequences.

The two girls drag Avery's bags out of the room, lugging them along the wooden floor with irritated looks on their faces.

"What the fuck is in this one?" Meredith groans, and Lilith shoots her a look to be quiet.

"I don't know, you're the one who packed it," she hisses, finally getting the three cases she's in charge of out of the room.

She straightens up, and opens the handle of the suitcases, releasing a sigh of relief when she sees them.

"This will make it all so much easier," she whispers to herself, a delighted expression covering her face.

Meredith is baffled by her delight but doesn't question it, and the two set off to Avery's room, hissing at each other to be quiet every two minutes.

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