FAQs, Updates!

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Hey guys!

It's Aoife here!

I'm gonna answer some frequently asked questions (obviously, like the title says), and just give you an update on where everything is at the moment for The Unfortunates!

So, here we go!

What happened between the last chapter and the epilogue?
I decided to do a timeskip, purely because I didn't think anyone would want to read any sappy moments between Roman and Avery right after they were all cute. You didn't miss any chapter, don't worry, although I understand the confusion! I should have been more clear! 

Why Roman and not Hayden/Scott/any other one of the men?:
Hayden was mourning his mate, and Avery, although she had a small crush on him and thought he was cute, liked him because of the protectiveness he provided her with. She respected him too much as a mate to ever make a romantic move.

Scott was a previous relationship, and Avery didn't see him romantically anymore. He wasn't appealing to her - he's too erratic for her, whereas Roman and Hayden were both more stable.

Any other male: I can't remember any of the other guys people shipped her with, apologies!

Where did Byron go?
He became a pack elder! 

Where did Richard & Marie go?
Cruise. Marie retired, and they decided to travel the world, inspired by York. 


I thought some of you were going to try to kill me after he wasn't the initial choice for adoption in the court trial scenes! He was in the background the whole time, I love that kid. 

Kathleen is my best friends name, and she is not a horrendous cheater as the Kathleen in this book is! She's a lovely person and the friendship Kath and Avery had (pre-cheating) reminds me of myself and my Kate! I thought it was a nice little dedication, but I'm never letting her read this, so she'll never know about the demise of the character!

I wrote and edited this around working and doing full-time university, so some of my plot holes are gaping and very obvious, unfortunately. Like, very obvious. I'll fix it all eventually, but it isn't on the cards currently!

My original plan was for Avery to end up with Zephyr! He was my favourite male character, and I wrote him with the possibility of him ending up as the male lead.

Avery is not a perfect character. She's not a Mary-sue, and she isn't perfect in any way, although some people seemed to expect her to be. I wrote her because I saw a gap in the female character ranks; I love werewolf books, but the women are either very reserved and shy, or very excited to be mated, etc. I wanted to show that there is more dimension to characters, especially female ones, who too often get grouped and fall into stereotypes. Avery is irrational, short-tempered, and opinionated.

Louisa's character arc was one of my favourites ever - there was a lot of development off-script (if that makes sense!) and the change in reactions to her showed me I did an okay job with it!

The Unfortunates was my first major project, and I didn't actually expect it to do this well.
As of the 20th of December (2020!), there are 891K reads on this (what the hell!!), and I'm shocked. If I knew it would do this well, I would have planned this book out a bit more! Like, a lot more! (January 4th update: 950K reads, which is so beyond shocking!!)

If any of you have any questions, you can ask them on this line (?), and don't be embarrassed to ask anything or anything!

So, as it stands, there are two sequels (or spin-offs, which I think might be the better suited name).

Fortunately Fortunate is on a hiatus at the moment until I decide to rewrite and overhaul it, because I couldn't fall in love with the plot and the characters I had planned.

As I type this, I have just posted the first chapter of The Fortunates, which I'm planning on focusing my efforts on, alongside The Society (which is unrelated to these books!)! I'm really excited about it, and the chapters might be shorter than the ones of The Unfortunates, purely because I seem to lose interest in the plots if I have to force myself to do really long chapters the whole time!

I hope you're all doing well, I know this year has been really hard for a lot of people and I hope that everyone is okay, especially in this horrible pandemic :(

Sending love to you all!
- Aoife :) xx

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