t h i r t e e n

22 4 1

a s h

I was laying on my back outside of my home staring at the green sky. The sun was covered by grey clouds so it was quite cool outside. Sometimes, in a world like mine you need to lay down and relax. Release every worry in your head for at least a minute and just relax. It helped me keep my sanity all those months alone. But, It's hard to relax when someone looms over you believing you're asleep. I opened my eyes and met Adrian's silent gaze.

"I'm required to give everyone a monthly checkup, it's usually Adam but he's busy." Adrian said and sat down beside me. "Just don't squirm and let me do my thing and I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing."

I sighed and sat up. I didn't know Adrian that well, he had a rounder face than Adam but the two both had raven hair and blue eyes. Adrian was little taller than Adam. According to Adam, Adrian was sarcastic from time to time, he always tends to stay away from other survivors, or Warriors as Adam says. Adrian is a loner but I couldn't blame him, if I had that choice right now I'd stay away from people too. He carried a screwdriver for protection which I kind of envied, it was different but very handy.

I sat cross-legged in front of Adrian as he started checking my pulse and felt my heart beat. He examined my tongue and shined a light into my eyes. He looked into my ears and squinted my eyebrows. "Tell me if you hear this." He said and placed a hand over my left ear and snapped beside my right ear. I nodded and he moved to cover my right ear. I heard nothing but muffled voices of Warriors and no snap. Adrian took his hand off of my ear. "You didn't hear me snap did you?" I shook my head and he nodded. "I think you might be deaf in your left ear. Have you had anyone if your family born deaf or developed a hearing problem at a young age?"

"Yeah, my mom was completely deaf for as long as I can remember." I said. "I hear perfectly fine, Adrian."

"Well, if you've been deaf in your left ear your entire life then that's all you've known. I'm not sure how your doctors before the apocalypse never realized this, it's pretty obvious." Adrian said and turned my head to the side so he could shine a light into my ear again.

"I didn't go to the doctor a lot when I was little, I never got sick." I shrugged and Adrian shoved his light back into his pocket.

"There's nothing I can do for your hearing so you're healthy otherwise. You haven't had an upset stomach, or any pain anywhere have you?" He asked and I shook my head. He then looked at my arm where the long scar was. "No pain in your arm? It doesn't hurt to the touch or anything?"

"No, not really." He nodded and stood up. "Hey, do you think you could maybe share some medical tips with me one day?" I stood and faced Adrian.

"Sure, I'm kind of busy today but maybe tomorrow." He said and walked off to tend to other Warriors. As soon as Adrian was out of sight I lied back on the ground and stared at the sky. Warriors knew nothing about privacy, it's like they were never taught how to leave someone alone. I opened my eyes and looked to my left to see Maven nervously sitting beside me hugging her knees.

"Your people aren't the good guys." She began. I pushed myself up with my hands and looked at her without interrupting. "We were allies during the first year of the apocalypse but when they knew we had the ingredients they needed for the cure they attacked us. They robbed us and nearly killed Adam."

"What are you talking about?" I leaned back on my hands but didn't take my gaze off of her. She sighed and took my hand.

"I don't want you to leave because I don't want you to get hurt. I know you have family there, Adam would be happy to take Asher in but I don't know about the others." She said and shrugged.

"My brother would never rob someone." I was trying to convince myself this was true more than convincing Maven she was just spreading rumors.

"I don't care if you believe me, but they lied to you. They already have what they need for the cure." Maven squeezed my hand in her palm. "This is why I don't believe your story, it just doesn't add up."

"Yeah, I agree it doesn't make sense but are you sure it was my people?" I asked and she nodded with zero hesitation.

"Their leader beat Adam to a pulp just so he wouldn't get in the way. The only reason they didn't kill him was because Adrian stabbed the guy in the shoulder." Maven grabbed my other hand and watched my reaction. "Adam didn't want you to know."

"Why the hell not?" I yelled. Maven hated when I cursed or rose my voice at her. She jumped and released my hands.

"I don't know." She mumbled. "You care so much about these people yet, you met that girl two days before we found you. Why do you care so much about someone you've known for two days?"

"She saved my life. I feel the same about her as I do about Adam, they've both saved me and I owe them my life." I said. I didn't expect Maven to understand, she'd never met a complete stranger as she died, she doesn't know the connection you can grow with one who stuck with you through pain. It didn't have to take months for me to grow a caring friendship with Colman, it was like a natural response. She was there at my lowest, and I left her while she screamed in pain. She probably hated me, but I still owed her my life and nothing would change that.

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