《 Chapter 2: Stronger feelings 》

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One week in, my high school finally decided to hold a welcoming ceremony so that the students get to feel more comfortable with the campus and can be more interactive with people. Since it was my first ever event as a sophomore, I was really looking forward to it.

All my excitement ended in the blink of an eye when the big day arrived. There I was, standing on my high school ground gazing at the listless students who were already formed into small groups. Every ear was filled with sounds of multiple conversations going off at once.

"Ruby!" I heard my best friend, Leah call out to me from a distance where she was standing with my other friends.

I thanked God for blessing me with such good friends. I know how awkward and painfully out of place I would have felt, like a pepperoni that had mistakenly made its way onto a vegetarian pizza.

I made my way to Leah. We all chatted a bit about our lives but a few minutes later, we reached that point where it felt like everyone really wanted to talk but couldn't think of literally anything. Soon we got bored of being bored.

Out of nowhere, Leah cheekily grinned and announced while clapping her hands, "Let's do something fun" she paused and slowly said, "...boy hunting" while rubbing her hands together as if she's planning something.

Everyone readily agreed and well I too went with the flow cause there was honestly nothing better to do. We looked around the campus, and many of my friends gave knowing looks to the boys they found handsome. Meanwhile, my eyes were only fixed on Sam Miller as if he's the only person in this crowded place.

I got to know his name through my friend, Natalie. She was that one friend you have in high school who knows everything about everyone.

I could feel Leah glancing at me from the corner of my eye. She grabbed my phone, held in my hand, and sneakily snapped a picture of him. It was so sudden that I couldn't even say anything. She then patted my back, winking at me while proudly whispering "you're welcome". I stood there like a statue, utterly speechless...

Was I that obvious?

I looked at the photo she captured for a long time. He was sitting down together with his best friend, Asher Smith.

Sam was wearing a red check shirt. His hair was lazily ruffled, the brown tips haphazardly pushed so they intertwined into beautiful chaos. He was skinny, but the way his clothes hung gave away the muscle beneath. His eyes weren't brown, possibly green, but I never stared long enough for him to find out. He's not particularly special looking, but to me, he stood out from others.

I don't even know when or why I fell for him
But I... I just did.

And then after I've saved this photo in my heart, I deleted it. As much as I wanted to keep the photo, it was wrong to click someone else's picture without permission.

Afterall, why take a photo when I could click as many photos I need with my eyes through blinking, right?

I then looked up back at him, a part of me wanting him to glance back at me. But I know, if he does look my way, the coward me would immediately turn my head the other way in no time.

Still, can he please notice me?

Hi everyone! ♡Thankyou for reading! I've uploaded a song above for those of you who want to understand/relate to Ruby's feelings

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Hi everyone! ♡
Thankyou for reading!
I've uploaded a song above for those of you who want to understand/relate to Ruby's feelings. :)

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