The Underground City

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A/n ~ I do not own Attack On Titan or any of the characters mentioned in this story. Thanks :)

Reader POV:

Is it too much to ask? Just to see the sun? Once?
I thought as I stared at the ceiling where the sky would have been if I weren't as unfortunate to be born into the Underground . Tomorrow is my 14th birthday, the day my father left me alone.

I was around eight years-old when it happened, my father, (F/n) (L/n) was quite a famous thug down here in the underground. He was well known by the MPs, as he had stole 3DMG gear multiple times. In fact that's how I got my hands on them, it helped the fact that my father was a well known thug. It gave me some sort of protection, when I was younger and not so good at stealing, I often got caught though I rarely received any form of punishment because they would recognise me as (Y/n) (L/n), his daughter.

Not many people bothered to cross my father, he could be quite brutal. Of course I would know that first hand, as he was the one who trained me. From the age of five, my father trained me in hand to hand combat, he taught me how to wield a knife, how to shoot a gun, how to analyse and get out of difficult situations, and even the basics of the 3DMG.

And if that wasn't enough to prove my point, then the beating that would come after a failed mission or failed robbery attempt would surely convince you. They hurt. But he would always insist it was for the best, if I were to be precise, he would say ' pain is the best form of discipline, it is the most effective '. Now I'm not gonna lie, I loved my father, and I'm pretty sure he loved me too, I think, but when that man was angry he scared me shitless!

You probably wondering where the hell is my mother? Well, the truth is, i don't know. I was around two maybe three when she left one day and never came back, I can't say I didn't blame her. From what I could remember of her was that my father wasn't exactly nice to her either. I don't remember her face, or what colour hair she had, and to be honest I don't care. She left me without even saying goodbye, I don't need that silly woman! Good riddance!

But it does have my wondering... Why does everyone leave me? What did I do wrong? First it was my mother, then my father. Coincidence? I think not!

Anyway, I should probably head back to reality and get of this rooftop. I'm gonna make a wild guess and say it's probably around midday, that what it feels like anyway, I had skipped breakfast today so it would probably be wise to try and get something to eat. Noticed how I said try?

First I'm gonna have to find a shop that I haven't stole from to recently, it isn't a smart idea to continually steal from the same shop as they might start to recognise or remember you. That only makes it easier for them to report you to the Military Police, and I don't really feel like dealing with those pigs so I found a small bakery near the middle of town. I don't think I've stole from here recently... I thought to myself as I began mentally mapping out the shop for possible escape routes. And I kinda fancy a loaf of bread... so I waited for when the baker had his back turned. Then i took action, I grabbed three loafs of bread that where near me and made a break for it, the baker must have sensed my sudden movement because he turned around but not quick enough as I was already out of the shop.

" Oi! Brat! Get back here!" I heard him shout.

I took a glance behind me and noticed that he wasn't bothered to pursue me, so I stopped running. I didn't like the fact that I had to steal to live down here but , it is what it is. I ducked into a alleyway, I was then about to take a bite of my bread, but I sensed that i wasn't alone in this alleyway. I took a quick look around, and was disgusted by what I saw, I openly grimaced.

Down the other end of the alleyway, there were three middle-aged men harassing and trying to touch a younger girl, who seemed around my age. Now this wasn't uncommon in the Underground but I sure as hell didn't agree with it or tolerate it for that matter, so I stepped in.

"Hey, you three! Don't you have anything better to do than harassing younger girls?" I said with my hands on my hips. I quickly gained the attention of all three of the older men and the younger girl.

"Well well what do we have here?" One of the men said as he started walking toward me. The men behind him just grinned.

"My, my your quite the looker aren't you girly? Now what is a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?" He continued, the two men behind him snickered as he placed a hand on my right shoulder, big mistake, without much effort I took the mans hand and used it as leverage to haul the man over my shoulder, he landed with a thud on the ground behind me and groaned, pain quite evident on his face.

The two men still standing with the girl looked at my with shock, clearly thinking I was not capable of lifting a man twice my size but if there's one thing I learned in the underground, it's size does not matter it's the technique, i was waiting for one of the other men to approach me but when they didn't, I got impatient and started to walk towards them instead. This must have spooked them cause as soon as I took a few steps they ran, leaving there friend behind on the floor, what great friends they are? Cowards!

As soon as they had left, I slowly approached the girl, I didn't want her to see me as a threat. It's then that I remembered I had the bread, I had an idea, she must be hungry right? And right on cue, her stomach growled, she looked away in embarrassment. I took this as my chance to grab the bread and approach her, I kneeled down to where she was sitting on the floor clutching her stomach. And I reached out my hand towards her holding two of my loafs of bread, I think she needs it more than me.

She turned to look at me when she noticed I was in front of her, she looked at my outstretched hand holding the bread then looked back at me. Shock and confusion written on her face, it isn't often a stranger offers you food and even if they did they probably had done something to it, I realised she was being cautious so I tore off a small piece of the bread and ate it to prove I hadn't tainted it.

"See not poisoned? There is no need to worry, I'm not gonna hurt you" I said and flashed her a small but genuine smile.

With that she quickly snatched the bread out of my hand, and stuffed it in her mouth, chewing and biting at it ravenously. How the hell did she not even choke? I wondered when she finished eating the bread.

She then looked at me, her green eyes bore in to my (e/c) ones, I had not paid much attention to her appearance, she was wearing rather dirty and baggy clothes ( like me ) and she had auburn hair pulled into two pigtails, she was quite pretty.

"Isabel",she said. I gave her a confused look, she then grinned widely," My name is Isabel, Isabel Magnolia"

Now it was my turn to smile, her smile was truly

"Nice to meet you Isabel, my name is Y/n"

Where I met you// Levi Ackerman x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now