A New Home

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Reader POV:

" This is it." The blonde said motioning up the stair case. I stood behind him, and stared at open mouthed at the house. I've not lived inside a house since my father left, I've not had the luxury but now I'm gonna be living with Farlan and this Levi guy. No more streets for me!

I ran up the stairs and towards the door smiling, I heard Farlan chuckle behind me,who was also climbing up the stairs. I stood at the door waiting for him, it didn't take him long at all to reach the door and open it.

"The House isn't too big" Farlan said as he walked into a room,"this is the living room. The kitchen and dining table is behind it. To the right there is the hallway and as you can see it has four doors, the first one is your room, the second one opposite is mine and the third one next to mine is Levi's. The door on the end is the bathroom." He finished motioning to each of the doors.

Wait.. I had my own room! I ran to the door that Farlan said was my room and hesitated for a bit, with my hand resting on the doorknob. I looked back at Farlan, maybe I should wait. This is his house after all.

Farlan just laughed at me,"What are you waiting for? Go on this is your house to now" he said shaking his head at me. I blushed with embarrassment but quickly shook it off and yanked open the door to my room.

It wasn't what I expected at all. It was average sized and had its own wardrobe, bedside table and a bed with a bedframe. This was the most I've ever owned! Well I didn't exactly own it because I didn't buy it but still. Farlan was watching from the doorway with a wide smile on his face and I returned his smile with my own. I've not felt this happy in a while.

I've completely forgot about the events before this and was actually quite tired. I made my way towards the bed and flung myself on top of it. The last thing I heard was Farlan whispering a goodnight before closing the door.

Dark. Quiet. Peaceful...

Well that was how it was before a pair of strong arms lifted my sleeping self and smashed me against the wall. That woke me up. I could hear Farlan frantically yelling at something but all I could see from the spot ive been pinned against was a pair of cold gray eyes angrily staring at me from beneath parted curtains of raven black hair.

So this must be Levi...

Where I met you// Levi Ackerman x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now