Rules and Conditions

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Reader POV:

Levi and Farlan emerged from ' my ' room, just as I was about to leave. Shit now I have to listen to them shouting at me, or maybe I could try and make a break for the door now. Farlan, as usual, caught on to my quick glances towards the door and cleared his throat. Fuck... here it comes.

" (Y/n), I've just told Levi everything I told you before we came here. About the conditions of your stay and how you will be helping us in return." Farlan said, I noticed the raven haired boy behind him was inspecting his bruised nose. I smirked in victory, that'll teach that midget.

Farlan ,who was confused by my sudden change in Demeanour, looked behind him to see what I was smirking at. Shit. I placed a calm expression on my face to hide my smirk, I don't want to make Farlan angry. But I was surprised to see when Farlan looked back round to face me he was also smirking.

" I can tell you and Levi are gonna get along just fine",the blonde said still smirking while placing his hands on his hips. Was he being sarcastic or something?

I heard a ' tch ' from behind Farlan but I ignored it. I'm Still surprised that Farlan found the fact that I almost broke his roommates nose amusing.

"Oh and good job by the way (Y/n)" Farlan added with a wink and pointed his thumb behind him. He was referring to Levi and his nose. This ticked Levi off, who was now glaring daggers into the back of Farlans head. Farlan however didn't even seem phased by this. How does he even do that?

I was beyond confused now. Am I not getting kicked out? I mean Levi looks like he wants to kill someone, but Farlan seems alright. He doesn't seem mad or if he is, he isn't making it very obvious like the shorty behind him. But why? Do they really need me that bad? Or do they feel sorry for me? Can shorty even feel any other emotion other than anger? Well if I'll be living here I might find that one out.

I must've spaced out a bit because the next thing I know is a hand is being waved over my face while someone was calling my name. Could it be Levi? Heh hell no. It was definitely Farlan , he looked slightly concerned while Levi was nowhere to be seen. Shit, sneaky midget, I've lost him.

Farlan must've been pretty concerned for me considering I had gone from spacing out to frantically scanning the house for any sign of the raven haired boy. Fuck..., where'd he go?

" Oi, stupid brat", a familiar voice said from behind me. The Midget. I immediately stopped my frantic search and stood dead still as if one small movement could be the difference between life and death. In this case it possibly could be.

Levi didn't seem too happy with my lack of response and made sure to voice his opinion with as much venom as possible,"Oi stupid brat? What are you deaf now or something? Or have you decided being a statue is a better waste of time than listening to what I have to say?"

Now, if I actually were to answer his question I would say the second one, anything would probably be better than listening to him rant but in this case I actually value my life so I just stayed quiet and slowly turned around and faced my new roommate, and unfortunately made eye contact with them piercing blue eyes. Wow...

"Wise choice brat, you actually have a brain, not a very big one at that but we can work with it", Levi said, his voice dripping with sarcasm he even added an eye roll. How charming.

"Anyway, we have rules here brat. So listen carefully" he said as he narrowed his eyes at me, he is pretty intimidating.

"One, you won't be going on any missions until I deem you capable of handling yourself." I let out an undignified huff at this, why is he treating me like a little kid, huh?

Levi just ignored me however and continued," two, we will feed you and give you a place to stay, farlan will educate you and I will train you in combat".  I was about to protest but was silenced, as Levi continued.

" And third and finally", suddenly a new, more cold and intimidating aura surrounded Levi, it gave me chills,"you are expected to clean this house and keep it clean under my standards or else".

Did he just threaten me? About cleaning? What was that all about? Did Farlan hear that? I'm not imagining this am I?

Levi seems to be waiting for an answer, what am I meant to do? I settle with a simple nod accepting these conditions which seems to satisfy Levi's question.

" well now thats all sorted, (y/n) have you eaten yet?", Farlan asked me, to which I just nodded again.
I hadn't eaten, but I didn't want to ask for anything and I had lost my appetite anyways.

Farlan was pleased with my answer and both of them left me alone, Levi went to his room and Farlan went and sat at a table and started counting a pile of coins. I hadn't seen them there yesterday? Maybe that's what Levi brought back with him before he barged into my room and woke me up!

I felt a little awkward just standing there while everyone else was doing there own thing. So I went to my room too and decided to think.

Think about tomorrow, think about my lessons, think of my new job and place here, think about my new roommate, Levi...

Where I met you// Levi Ackerman x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now