Farlan Church

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Reader POV:

So this Farlan Church guy is the one that has been watching me and is the one I saw at the cave. And I'd just agreed to live with him?!

Ive only just met this guy, what was I thinking? Oh yeah, I was thinking about the surface. Could he really keep that promise he made to me? He seems like a nice guy except from the fact that he'd been watching me without me knowing, but he had a reason for it.

We are now walking back to his place, he said it wasn't too far from here but we've been walking for five minutes in silence, and usually I'm ok with silence, I'm used to it, but this silence feels uncomfortable. Probably because I'm filled with questions I want answers to about my new roommate and his partner, wait he mentioned he had a partner!

I opened my mouth to speak but Farlan beat me to it." So (Y/n), I don't really know much about you and you don't know much about me so why don't we play a game? I'll ask you a question and you can ask me one in return?" He said giving me a side glance and a small smile, as we continued walking.

I wasn't expecting that, I was hoping to just get answers out of him but turning him down  and offering that idea would just look damn suspicious.
Urghh... fine, I guess I could lie a bit more maybe even mix in the truth.I don't know but something about Farlan makes me want to trust him, he's giving me a ' big brother ' sorta vibe.

I guess it's better to know more about my new roommate than not know him at all. So I agreed.
"Ok" I said simply with a nod.

Farlan smiles at this. "Ok good, You'll start. Ask me a question."

My mind blanked for a second, I had hundreds of questions seconds ago but now I actually get to ask one my mind is empty. Farlan notices the silence on my side but is patient and doesn't question it. Yeah, I think I'll like Farlan.

I finally thought of one," Umm... what sort of stuff do you actually steal Farlan?" I asked, it wasn't the sort of question I wanted to ask but it would be useful if I was going to work with them.

Farlan gave me a look, he probably didn't expect that sort of question from me first but replied nonetheless," I guess that would be useful to know, we steal merchandise from merchants or cash preferably. We don't really have to steal food because we can usually afford it."

I hummed in response to his answer. "Now you get to ask me one" I said to the blonde boy. He scrunched his eyebrows together in thought and broke eye contact to look down he slightly hesitated before asking," (Y/n), exactly how old are you?" He then looked back up at me, he almost seemed concerned.

This time it was my turn to look away," i turned fourteen around a week ago" I answered with a straight face, Farlan looked shocked at my answer and stopped walking. I noticed this and stopped as well turning back to face him.

"Farlan?" I asked slightly nervous, did I answer him wrong? I didn't lie, should I have? No it wasn't necessary. Or maybe it was? Will he change his mind about taking me in?

"Jeez, that's young to be stealing as well as you" Farlan said looking at the floor," did something happen to you? Did someone train you?" He looked back up and met my eyes.

Now I was trying not to openly panic, his last question bouncing around in my head 'did someone train you?' . Someone train you. Shit why am I panicking so much? Just calm down and lie. Simple.

"I'm self taught. I learnt how to steal to survive." I said calmly and shrugged my shoulders. He eyed me quickly, I'm not sure he believed me. Farlan is either good at reading people or too damn smart, or maybe both. Either way he kept quiet and continued walking and I followed suit. It was quiet for a couple seconds before I broke it," Hey, anyway that was two questions! Are you nosy or just can't count?" I said with a grin on my face, Farlan smirked at my little attempt to lighten the mood.

" Ok I'm gonna ask you two questions now" I continued," One, how old are you? And two, didn't you mention something about a partner?" Finally I got to ask the question I was dying to know the answer to, there were still many more but this would do for now.

"One," Farlan started holding up one finger," I'm eighteen. And two," he held up a second finger," Yes I do have a partner, his names Levi"

Ahh, so he does have a partner. I wonder what he's like? I hope he's like Farlan. God, I hope he knows I'll be there. Will we get along?

I must've been openly showing my distress because Farlan continues talking about this Levi, " you don't need to worry (Y/n), Levi can be a bit grumpy and closed off but as long as you keep the place clean you'll have no trouble" he said scratching the back of his head. This only stressed me out more...

So grumpy and closed off? Ok so he's nothing like Farlan. Fuck. What if he doesn't like me? And what the hell is this 'keep the place clean' thing about?!

Farlan noticed that I was getting more stressed by the second and started waving his hands around in an attempt to try and comfort me.

"Sorry, that wasn't really the best description I could've given him, just wait until you meet him. He's really a good guy and cares a lot, there really is no need to worry!" Farlan said, still waving his hands around.

This calmed me down to an extent. But before I could say or do anything else. Farlan stopped in front of a faded stone brick staircase that led up to a one story house made of the same faded stone brick.

This must be it then.

Where I met you// Levi Ackerman x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now