Leaving Home

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Reader POV:

Someone has been in here...

I thought as I slowly walked towards the book and picked it up from the floor. How did they find this? I thought I hid it well! 

Ergh... my good mood from meeting Isabel has been officially ruined. I closed the book and was about to return it to its original hiding place but I felt like something was wrong. I could sense something watching me, more like someone.

I suddenly did a full 180 turn, in order to take them by surprise. It worked, I caught them watching me. My sudden movement definitely took them by surprise, and it turns out them... was a him.

From what I could tell, he must have been a few years older than me. He had ashy blonde hair, and pale blue eyes, he was wearing a long-sleeve white button-up shirt with a light blue vest on top, he had light brown trousers held up by a black belt, along with knee-high boots for his shoes. He definitely had money, was he a merchant? Was he from the surface?

It wasn't unheard of for people that lived on the surface to come and visit the underground, but if that's so... then what In the actual fuck is he doing in here?!

I was now staring him dead in the eyes as he slowly backed away From me and the cave. Then within in the blink of an eye, he was gone, presumably around the corner. Unless boys can now disappear into thin air, or teleport ,or fly! Huh, can you imagine! I shook my head...why do I have to be so immature sometimes! It will be the death of me, I swear it!

Oh well, there's no use in me just standing around staring, he clearly isn't coming back. Back to hiding my book! I wonder what he thought about it? He probably read it, right? Oh no... what if he reports it to the Military Police? Shittt... I'm gonna have to leave this cave, aren't I? They can't arrest me if they can't find me...

Plus, he now knows I live here. If whoever that was recognises me, then I'm absolutely fucked.

If I stay here, and he opens his mouth about this place and people find out that (F/n ) (L/n)'s daughter lives here, then it won't be long until thugs (that most likely have something against my father) decide to show up and do god knows what to me. I did mention that being my fathers daughter, I had some sort of protection from the people here, right? Well now he's gone, and he's made no sign of coming back anytime soon... so if u put two and two together. You'll figure out, if I stay here, this will end badly for me.

Well, it was nice will it lasted. Now it's back to random alleyways and dumpsters! Still not the safest option, but a moving target is harder to kill than one that is staying in the same spot. I better start getting ready...

I packed up late that night, as if I had much to pack... I thought as I rolled my eyes. I picked up my things,that were all wrapped together in my blanket, and I left...

I took one last look at the place I'd called home for the last couple of years, I'll miss this place. I'll come back one day... hopefully

But for now, goodbye

Where I met you// Levi Ackerman x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now