Isabel Magnolia

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Reader POV:

"Just (Y/n), huh?", she narrowed her eyes at me and eyed my suspiciously. She doesn't trust me completely yet, and honestly I don't blame her...

"Yeah, just (Y/n), I don't have a surname" I said as I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't like lying when it wasn't necessary but I don't want to tell her my last name, because if she recognised it, she might run away. Though there really isn't much to be afraid of these days as my father hasn't been active for over 6 years.

"Oh, I understand! I'm sorry" she said as she suddenly stood up, frantically waving her hands in front of her. She had an apologetic look on her face, oh I see, she thinks that I'm an orphan or something. Well it's probably better if she thinks that anyway.

I also stood up and waved off her apology," Oh it's fine Isabel, you really don't need to apologise" I lightly chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck nervously. This was the first time I've really talked to anyone around my age and I'll admit it, I was slightly uncomfortable, but can you blame me? I never had time to sit and make friends when I was younger, therefore I'm not the best when it comes to being social.

Isabel, however, seemed like a natural, She must have a lot of friends. I don't know Isabel well and I don't know her story but from what I can tell ( and I'm usually correct when it comes to reading people), she looks like a very talkative and cheerful person, if only I could be like that. She seems very nice and outgoing but also cautious. I wouldn't mind being friends with her...

But friends is a luxury I can't afford, what if they leave me too? I don't want to be hurt again. So before anything else could happen, I decided to make my exit. I began to walk towards the opening of the alleyway, when I looked back at Isabel, she had a puzzled expression on her face ( probably because of my sudden exit), i turned to face her fully.

" Goodbye Isabel, stay safe okay? Survive" I said with a small smile and a nod before turning around again, I was about to turn the corner when I heard her reply.

"I will! Bye big sis!" She had yelled after me as I left.

After hearing Isabels last words I had stopped dead in my tracks, not even trying to conceal the shocked expression on my face. What the hell did she just call me? Big sis? Me?! I must have heard her wrong. We had just met! She doesn't even know me!

Huh, Isabel Magnolia? I won't be forgetting that name anytime soon.

A small smile etched its way onto my lips as I began to walk back the to the small cave at the edge of the underground city, the closest thing I had to home. I had found it a few years back, at the time I had been sleeping in alleyways behind dumpsters. Not the most luxurious or sanitary, but this is the underground, unfortunately we don't all get to live in big ass castles.

I had been ecstatic when I found the cave while exploring the towns on the edge of the city. It beat sleeping in the dangerous alleyways any day. I didn't own many possessions, I had a small dirty pillow with a matching dirty blanket, a few spare rags
(Erm I mean clothes) and a few books, if you're wondering how I know how to read, my father taught me the basics like reading, writing, basic math and grammar. In fact the last thing I received from my father was a book, it was about the outside world. No not just the surface but outside the walls, the lands of ice, the fields of sand, the rocks that can take days to climb and the sea. A huge body of water that apparently covers 70% of the planet and has so much salt that a greedy merchant could spend their whole life trying to get it all but they could never do it.

I want to go to the surface, I want to see the sun, I want to see the sea...

But apparently leaving the walls or even talking about the outside world is strictly prohibited. Therefore anything like a book on it is of course banned, I wonder how my father got his hands on this book. Though I'm not exactly surprised he was always talking about us going outside the walls one day.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I walked into my cave, home sweet home, I thought as I rolled my eyes. I paused when I noticed that on the floor was my book about the outside world and it was wide open, to be specific, on the page about the sea. Now I know for sure I had put it away, it was always hidden. Not many people knew of this cave but there was still a few...

Someone has been in here...

Furlan Church POV:

Today I had a day off, as Levi said that there were no missions or jobs for today. This is happening more and more recently, as less merchants are coming down here which means less business for us, which truly is unfortunate. And to make matters worse, Jan's leg is getting worse! Soon I don't think he will be able to carry on finishing out our missions.

Anyway, as it was my day off and Levi was out running personal errands, I didn't know what to do with my free time, until I came across the decision to visit the cave that I used to play in as a child, I was wondering if it was still there or if it had collapsed like my mother had said it would, therefore out of curiosity I found myself standing out side the still-standing cave. Ahh, so many memories were made here...

I decided to take a look inside the cave and was surprised when I found possessions implying someone was living here. And was even further surprised when I found books, not many people could read in the underground.

I was about to leave when I noticed another book hidden underneath the persons blanket and pillow. Why would they hide a book? Maybe it's a diary or a journal? And yet again curiosity got the better of me. I picked up the book and brushed the dust and dirt off it. God, Levi would hate this place. I smirked at the thought of Levi's face if he ever were to come visit here, I can almost see the look of absolute horror on his face with his eye twitching and all. Levi u clean freak, I chuckled lightly to myself.

I shook my head and focused my attention back on the book, it wasn't an diary or journal. So why hide it? What could this book possibly be about?

From further inspection, I found out this was a book about the Outside world, the world outside the walls. How on earth did whoever lived here get their hands on this book? Anything talk about the outside world is strictly forbidden.

Oh well, it's not like me and Levi follow the rules anyway. I opened the book and was immediately drawn in by the contents of it, who knew there were so many wonders in this world? Maybe I'll get out of here and see these things for myself one day. A guy can dream, eh?

I was now sitting on the floor, flipping through the pages of the book, the last wonder I read about was called the sea. A huge lake that stretches across the horizon. It was apparently full of salt? Isn't salt valuable? How come the merchants have gotten it yet?

I was about to continue reading but was interrupted when I heard footsteps approaching, that is probably whoever it is that lives here. I quickly got up and brushed myself off, I wouldn't hear the end of it from Levi if I were to show up looking like this, it was only when I heard the footsteps quickly approaching the mouth of the cave that I made a move to actually leave. Shit I left the book open on the floor, too late now I need to slip past... her?

I risked a glance towards to person that resided in the cave. It was a girl, she looks to be in her early teens, she had (h/l ) (h/c) hair and these stunning (e/c) eyes , she was quite pretty i must say, but no, she wasn't really my type.

She must have have sensed me looking at her because as I slowly backed out and away from the cave, she suddenly turned around and looked in my direction, I froze as her (e/c) orbs locked with my blue ones. I stared back at her before I hurriedly disappeared around the nearest building.

Time to go back to the house, today has been rather interesting if you ask me. Day off well spent.

Until next time stranger...

Where I met you// Levi Ackerman x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now