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I guess it was all laid out even before we met. How we could be like this until the very end? Even at this moment, everything is still unraveling before our eyes. All the what ifs and what could be are slowly happening. Day by day, our story is slowly being captured, yet it was foretold even before our lives intertwined. Maybe our story has been engraved somewhere neither of us can uncover. But mark my words, it won't end for the both of us. And I swear it will only get better for the both of us. We've only had a few months together, but it feels as if I've known you all my life. Our lives have a wonderful way of keeping secrets from us. And maybe that is what makes our lives more interesting. It made me fall in love with the idea that I could have another tomorrow with you. And another. And another. And another. And even another lifetime with you.

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