|Chapter 21 ~ The Sphere Of Statera|

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I tried to lock gazes with every Lesphares in the room. Even even if it felt like each nerve in my body wanted to explode as a result. Even when their expressions were beyond anything I'd ever seen. Staggeringly beautiful, but eyes pieces of hard stone - unyielding and powerful. I swallowed audibly.

"What if... we could build  the weapons you need in order to fight victoriously in the upcoming war? It would spare you the time and unnecessary labour as well as drastically increase ammunition. We know earth and we are familiar with humanity's technology. This could be the upper hand you need in order to win."

Silence followed. The quietness was unbearable to my buzzing ears. My heart pounded against my ribcage. If the Lesphares didn't agree to my proposal, it would mean certain death. A fate I was not quite yet ready to embrace.

After a horrible silence, listening only to the sound of my own blood pumping, Julîus sighed.

"It sure would spare us the work." He said, sounding almost bored. I looked up at him, strangely grateful to him. He broke the very nerve-wracking silence I had to endure, as if it was nothing.

"We would have to teach them the right techniques. Lespharian armour and weaponry are definitely not easy to forge." Faîzal grumbled, but at least didn't look like he wanted to rip my head off my body.

The rest of the assembled were quiet, awaiting Angelus' judgement - I realized. The latter inspected my face with renewed curiosity, recalculating.

After what seemed like an eternity, he moved his gaze away from mine to look at Gandila's. I also turned to her, interested in what my friend had to say. Unfortunately for me, her face was very grim. Blue eyes met Angelus' in such caution I lost a breath.

"It won't be enough. We need something else in order to win this war."

The room filled with an eery quietness until Angelus broke it, his voice rigid.

"What have you seen?" He asked, all eyes now fixed on the onyx haired woman.

"The humans are opening doors that were never opened before, creating creatures I haven't yet seen in all of humankind's history. We will not win this war by using mere straightforward means..." Her voice trailed off into the horrible silence that followed.

The seasons outside the study looked a lot dimmer than a few seconds ago, sun and sky both dull. My heart stopped as I realized exactly what creatures Gandila spoke about.

"Deathtreaders..." I muttered, my mouth suddenly very dry. The Lesphares all turned to me, Elys holding my gaze with hard green eyes.

"What are we to face Alium? What monsters have you humans been breeding on that dead planet of yours?"

I shuddered at the absolute menace in her voice, but also couldn't blame her. As far as they knew, the humans were only corrupted aliens that had come to claim the Lespharian realm without an ounce of guilt for who might be killed in the process. That was how it has always been, the Government only taking and taking.

My veins burned beneath my skin. They  were not the Government.

All the innocent people living in The City were definitely  not the Government. The Aliums  were not the Government. I  was most certainly not the Government. So many people could die in this war without ever deserving it, only because of an organization ruled by horrible people that could only think of their own disgusting motives.

Gandila spoke, voice suddenly very old as if she was reciting some ancient script.

"There is a way we can succeed against their machines and technological advancements. An object that could turn the tides of any battle in mere seconds."

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