The Holmes Children

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For tea_and_sherlock

Gone on a last minute cruise, will be back next Saturday. Please make sure you lock the front door when you leave and please don't do anything illegal while I'm gone. Mrs H x

They stood outside her flat, eyes narrowed as they stared at the note taped to the door.

"Who the hell goes on a 'last minute cruise'?" asked John.

"Mrs Hudson apparently," Sherlock replied. "Obviously off on another romantic trip with the man from her karate class."

"What man?"

"Widower. Wealthy. Can't remember his name."

"Right, well it was nice of her to warn us. What are we supposed to do now?" John turned around, gesturing to the two kids behind them.

Vaughan was leaning against the wall with his face buried in his game, while Flora was attempting to go upstairs.

"Whoa, where are you going?" asked Sherlock as he scrambled to catch her, pulling her into his arms and placing her back down on the floor.

She glared up at him through her long, dark eyelashes, folding her arms across her chest with a huff.

John began to pace the floor. "We took a case, Sherlock. What are we going to do?"

"Auntie Molly," said Vaughan.

"She's working."

"Uncle Mycroft?"

"You're joking, aren't you."

"What about auntie Rose?"

"No," John replied quickly.

Sherlock turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Why not?"


"Complicated," Vaughan finished.

"Right well, I guess you're just going to have to come with us," said Sherlock.

It was the summer holidays. Six whole weeks of no school and the children moaning that they were bored. Bored of their toys, bored of their home and bored of their parents. John had been lucky that Rosie's school offered a summer programme. But for Sherlock, he was stuck. Each morning Margaux would leave for work, begging him to always make sure he found a babysitter before embarking on a case.

He had tried, he thought, as he ushered the children out of Baker Street. But surely one little case wouldn't hurt.


Greg Lestrade sat in his office with the phone to his ear. On the other end of the line, the Superintendent growled at him.

"Yes sir." Greg rested his elbow on the desk and rubbed his eyes. "I understand 'consulting detective' isn't a real position."

He paused, moving the phone away from his ear as he continued to shout.

"No, I only grant him access to crime scenes when necessary- Well, yes, sometimes he does go off on his own but- Of course sir I underst- Yes, I will."

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