Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Danica's P.O.V

Foxx and Jamie joined us on the roof at lunch. Aria wasn't at school and they, after days of me and Heidi's absence, wanted to see where I was disappearing to. I had no choice but to drag them along.

As I stepped onto the roof, I noticed the difference. There was a table in the middle of the roof, covered with a pearly white tablecloth and surrounded by folding chairs. In the middle of the table stood a birthday cake and beside it was a bottle of Rosé.

Two bunches of balloons floated from either side of the table along with a banner that read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI!"

My heart went to my throat when I saw it, and I just started laughing uncontrollably. Aria skipped forward, jumping into my arms. I caught her.

"Happy birthday!" Everybody yelled at once.

I let the happiness I felt consume me and basked in the attention they were all giving me. "Thank you, guys. How did you pull this off? Aria, I thought you weren't at school?"

"It was all Fox's idea," Aria explained. I looked at Foxx and saw a charming smile on her face.

"I have been up here all day setting up everything. I even got a birthday cake!"

"You bitch, I thought you were absent. I love you!" I grabbed her for another hug.

She grinned. "She called me a bitch then tells me she loves me. I hope you're taking notes, Foxx."

"I sure am."

Heidi grabbed the bottle of Rose and came towards me, popping it opened. She poured some into one of the plastic cups on the table and stretched it towards me. "Welcome to eighteen!"

I stepped away from Aria and went to her. She looking like a shining diamond. "How the hell did you get that past security?"

"I didn't, Jamie did."

I looked at Jamie and saw a pleasing smile on her face. "I'm never revealing my source."

"So, are you two like an item now?" Foxx said, stealing our attention.

Heidi looked at me as I looked at her, and we both broke out into a laugh. "Na!"


"So, who wants cake?" Aria asked.

Jamie found her place at the table before anyone else. "I thought you'd never ask."

Foxx took her seat next to her and went on her phone. Heidi turned to me, offering her hand. "How about lunch?"

I smiled and did a small curtsey before taking her hand. She brought my hand to her lips and place the gentlest kiss on it. I blushed as we sat and enjoyed the sensation of her kiss tingling through my body.

She led me to the table, pulled out my chair for me, then removed the cake cover. She lit the candles before she spoke again. "Everybody, we have to sing happy birthday to Dani."

I shook my head. "That's unnecessary."

 "Yeah," Jamie agreed with her. "Let's go. "

Then she began, her voice off melody, off-key, even off the fucking grid. Aria joined her and together they sounded like dying cats. Foxx made it a little more pleasing to the ears. But Heidi was all I could hear when she opened her mouth. I couldn't help but smile. I felt like an idiot.

I barely blew out the candles before Foxx interrupted again. I thought she was busy on her phone, but apparently not. Her green eyes were staring intensely at us as if there were something she needed to learn. "So, you're not an item. Are you two friends?"

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