ii. to top all of this off, i lose my shoe

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chapter two

─── to top all of this off, i lose my shoe

─── to top all of this off, i lose my shoe

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          𝔏ook, let's just clear this up. This is not my day. The storm was now a hurricane, the children were screaming, I had a migraine and everything was going wrong.

A gust of wind had me skidding across the floor, but I planted my feet, grabbing onto Leo before I could collide with him and pulling him back from the railings. 

"Thanks, Cress!"

"You're welcome." Coach Hedge called for everyone to get out of there. Piper and Dylan held the doors open, herding the kids in, despite the wind grabbing and yanking at them. I gave Leo a shove, sending him towards the door as I followed after him, but it felt like running through quicksand.

Dylan and Piper pushed one more kid inside, then lost their grip on the doors. They slammed shut, closing off the skywalk. Inside, the kids pounded on the glass, but the doors seemed to be stuck.

"Dylan, help!" Piper shouted, yanking at the door but nothing.

Dylan just stood there with an idiotic grin, his plaid shirt rippling in the wind, like he was suddenly enjoying the storm.

"Sorry, Piper," he said. "I'm done helping."

He flicked his wrist, and Piper flew backward, slamming into the doors and sliding to the skywalk deck.

"Stop!" I called, trying to push my way towards the girl, but Coach Hedge yanked me back. Look, I might have only just met her but it was the right thing to do. "Get off me!"

"Cressida, Leo, stay behind me," the coach ordered as I struggled and scowled. "This is my fight. I should've known that was our monster."

"What?" Leo demanded. A rogue worksheet slapped him in the face, but he swatted it away. "What monster?"

The coach's cap blew off, and sticking up above his curly hair were two bumps. Coach Hedge lifted his baseball bat—but it wasn't a regular bat anymore. Somehow it had changed into a crudely shaped tree-branch club, with twigs and leaves still attached.

Dylan gave him that psycho happy smile. "Oh, come on, Coach. Let the girl attack me! After all, you're getting too old for this. Isn't that why they retired you to this stupid school? I've been on your team the entire season, and you didn't even know. You're losing your nose, grandpa."

The coach made an angry sound like an animal bleating. "That's it, cupcake. You're going down."

"You think you can protect three half-bloods at once, old man?" Dylan laughed. "Good luck."

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