viii. thunder, lightning and general over dramaticness

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chapter eight

─── thunder, lightning and general over dramaticness

          ℑ woke with a start at the his words, finding thunder rumbling through the cabin as I sighed

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ℑ woke with a start at the his words, finding thunder rumbling through the cabin as I sighed. I rubbed my hand over my face, trying to remind myself that I wasn't in the room with the other two people, but instead in Cabin One.

The ceiling above my bed was domed, decorated with a blue and white mosaic that shifted to represent the sky outside. Thunder rumbled through the room, gold tiles flashing like veins of lightning as I sighed.

There wasn't any regular furniture in the cabin, unlike everywhere else. There was a singular bed, that the others had put together, and that was it. No bathroom, nothing. Luke had told me to use Three's and that my new cousin, the Andromeda person, wouldn't mind but that had still felt super awkward.

The walls were carved with alcoves, each holding a bronze brazier or a golden eagle statue on a marble pedestal. In the centre of the room, a twenty-foot-tall, statue of Zeus in classic Greek robes stood with a shield at his side and a lightning bolt raised, ready to smite somebody.

I looked up at him, my eyebrows narrowed as I wondered what I actually had in common with this god. I wasn't a man, I didn't have black hair, I hoped that I didn't look perpetually grump and I certainly didn't have a beard.

This was supposedly a big honour, that's what everyone had said, but I hated it. I didn't like sleeping in a cold temple, on my own, with a statue of my father glaring down at me like he hated me for merely existing in the temple to his honour. I missed people, I missed being in the thick of things and one part of me wondered what staying in Cabin Eleven was like, whether that was more fun. Did my cousin feel this way? The only daughter of Poseidon, I was sure that she and I had that in common and she would know exactly what this was like.

Also, didn't help that I had a crick in my neck. The whole, summoning lightning thing had really taken a toll on me and I was shattered still.

Next to the bed, new clothes were laid out for me: a dry pair of jeans, a new pair of sneakers in my size and an orange shirt for the Camp. I knew that I needed a change of clothes, but putting the tattered purple shirt down felt wrong. I pulled it off, yanking the orange shirt on and shivering for a moment as I looked down at the tattoos on my arms. Sighing, I covered it with the dark blue hoodie and the windbreaker, taking some comfort that at least, I had that.

I thought of my dream as I laced my shoes up, hoping that something would come back to me about Lupa, the ruined house in the woods or anything more about the two people having the argument. I knew that they were real, both the wolf and the people, but the more I tried to think, the more my head ached like someone had taken a hammer to it. My tattoo burned and I scratched at it quickly, before taking a quick drink of water.

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