xi. i am very protective over someone i never met

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chapter eleven

─── i am very protective over someone i never met

─── i am very protective over someone i never met

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         ℑ hadn't been able to sleep whilst we flew, my mind was whirring, trying to find memories that were just out of reach and all the things that could go wrong. I had come up with a lot of what could go wrong, and very little in terms of memories, which was annoying. By the time the sun was setting, Piper had woken up and was in the process of waking Leo, and Quebec was coming into view.

It was beautiful. Cold but stunning, and it looked like everything had been dusted with icing sugar.

"This is Quebec and not Santa's workshop, right?" Leo checked.

"Yeah, Quebec City," Piper confirmed. "One of the oldest cities in North America. Founded around sixteen hundred or so?"

Leo raised an eyebrow. "Your dad do a movie about that too?"

I was confused. I knew Piper's dad was an actor, but what movies were he in? If I knew them would be a whole other issue.

"I read sometimes, okay? Just because Aphrodite claimed me, doesn't mean I have to be an airhead."

"I don't think all Venus children are airheads." I shook my head, stopping her. "She's a powerful goddess in her own right, for her to be an airhead makes little to no sense. You know, she used to be a war goddess."

Piper went silent, as Leo changed the subject and moved on quickly.

"So you know so much, what's that castle?"

"A hotel, I think."

Leo laughed. "No way."

I leant forward, looking down at the ground, watching doormen, valets and porters taking bags for people in elegant clothes and winter cloaks. Luxury cars idled in the drive, but there was something else. Looking around, I tried to find what was putting me on edge.

"The North Wind is staying in a hotel?" Leo said. "That can't be—"

"Watch out." I interrupted, nodding upwards. "We've got company."

Rising from the top of the tower were two winged figures—angry angels, with nasty-looking swords. The dragon didn't seem to like the winged figures, coming to a stop in mid-air, wings beating and talons bared. 

"I don't like this." I muttered, shaking my head. "They look like storm spirits."

Considering our last encounter with the wind spirits, I wasn't too happy to meet another one again. But these looked different. They looked like regular teenagers except for icy white hair and feathery purple wings. Their bronze swords were like icicles, and the similarities between them suggested that they were brothers.

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