xii. ice and electricity doesn't seem to be the best combination

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chapter twelve

─── ice and electricity doesn't seem to be the best combination

─── ice and electricity doesn't seem to be the best combination

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          ℑ didn't like leaving a person behind.  It wasn't a good plan, there weren't enough of us to be able to do it. If something happened, then Leo had no one to cover his back. I could only hope that the dragon would cover him.

Zethes stayed behind us, his blade drawn. Cal stayed behind with Leo, which left Piper and I with the Ice Princess. 

Every so often she would turn and smile at me, but it wasn't warm or pleasant, it just froze my insides even more than the temperature could. She looked at Piper like she was dirt on the bottom of her shoe, and then looked at me like she couldn't wait to dissect me like some frog in a science lab.

Luke had said that Boreas was the friendliest of the wind gods, but did that just mean they weren't going to kill us as quickly as the others. This was a frosty reception.

Piper's hand found mine, squeezing as I turned to her. She looked a little scared, though she was trying to put on a brave face at all of this. I forgot that not everyone was built for this unlike me. Though I didn't know how I was built for this.

"It'll be alright." I squeezed her hand. "Just a little talk. Alright?"

The ice princess turned and noticed that I was holding Piper's hand. Her eyes narrowed and smile faded as my hand turned ice cold. Piper and I yanked apart as I shook my hand out. It was smoking from ice, and I huffed, my breath coming out cold.

"Warmth is not a good idea here." The princess advised, narrowing her eyes at me as I hummed in annoyance. "Especially when I am your best chance of staying alive. Please, this way."

A prod in the back had me moving forward once more, down a hallway decked in frozen tapestries. This was accompanied by freezing cold winds and I huffed.

I didn't understand this, any of what was going on and this time, only part of it was due to the amnesia. The picture of the other girl, Thalia, my sister, was burning a hole in my pocket beside the coin. I mean, one part of me found that it was comforting to know that I had family, that I had a sister but if I had a sister, then why wasn't she in my dreams, searching for me with the others. Luke had said that I had gone missing, but had she not looked for me?

Also, we looked nothing alike. In fact, the only thing that looked vaguely familiar was the eyes, which I supposed, electric blue eyes would be from the god of lightning. But she was sharper, colder and different. Hera had left enough memories for me to get the whole related thing, but nothing else.

She'd stolen everything else from me, every little thing about my past, and where I'd been and who my friends were. She'd taken it all.

One part of me was pondering on my previous conversations with Luke and Annabeth. Was it even worth me getting her out of the cage? I knew that it was my duty, but I was so angry at the situation I was stuck in, so maybe I should have considered leaving her stuck.

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