x. hindsight is useful, i should've planned

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chapter ten

─── hindsight is useful, i should've planned

─── hindsight is useful, i should've planned

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          𝔗he silence on the back of the dragon was broken pretty quickly by Leo.

"Shut up, me."

"What?" Piper had to shout over the wind as I peered around her to watch the boy.

"Nothing," Leo turned around with a grin that didn't inspire a whole load of confidence in me. "Long night. I think I'm hallucinating. It's cool."

My eyebrows narrowed. Leo was driving, and I was starting to think that perhaps, I should have driven. Leo had perhaps read my mind because he spun back around again to placate us.

"Just joking." Leo laughed though it sounded nervous as I thanked the gods that I could fly. "So what's the plan, Cress? You said something about catching wind, or breaking wind, or something?"

"Well, first we got to find the God of the North Wind, Boreas and grill him for information," I began as we flew over New England.

"His name is Boreas?" Leo let out a short laugh. "What is he, the God of Boring?"

"No." I rolled my eyes at the poor joke, shooting him a confused look. Now wasn't exactly the time for joking about peoples names. "After that, we've got to go and find the venti that attacked us at the Grand Canyon..."

"Can we just call them storm spirits?" Leo cut in again. "Venti makes them sound like evil espresso drinks from Starbucks."

"Alright, storm spirits then." I said, before listing off the third thing. "Finally, we've got to find out who the storm spirits work for so that we can then go and find Hera and free her from her cage."

"So you want to look for Dylan, the nasty storm dude, on purpose," Leo said. "The guy who threw me off the skywalk and sucked Coach Hedge into the clouds."

"Yeah, that's about it." I shrugged in the process. "Well...there may be a wolf involved, too. But I think she's friendly. She probably won't eat us, unless we show weakness. I hope."

I then went on to tell them about the first part of my dream - Lupa, the mother wolf and a burned out house with stone spires growing out of the swimming pool. I kept the dream about Octavian and the other girl to myself. It wasn't that I didn't trust them, but I didn't know them and this guy, this Octavian, he seemed to be special to me in some way. It was why I told Luke, because maybe, maybe Octavian was to me what Andromeda was to Luke and in that case, he understood what I was going through. 

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