Who do you love?

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I was making my way to Atsushi's place, because he asked me to come. I had no idea what was going on and Dazai barley talked to me since yesterday.

I knocked and opened the door.  (Chuuya has a spare key because of babysitting) ,,I'm here!" i called. The house was unusaly quiet. What the hell is happening? Most of the children were either in their bedrooms or in the living room. I found Atsushi in the kitchen, he looked like he didn't sleep.

,,I'm here, is everything alright?" i asked. ,,He won't let us in." Atsushi almost wishpered. His voice was shaking. ,,What's going on?" i gentely placed my hand on his shoulder. ,,Please try to talk to him." he said while looking at me with his big sad eyes. ,,Try to make him eat something." he handed me a bowl of curry. ,,I'll try my best." i said and patted his head.

I walked upstairs and found Akutagawa in front of Nikko's room. ,,He locked himself in here since yesterday." he said. ,,Nikko, Chuuya-san wants to talk to you." we heard the door unlock and i opened them. ,,Nikko?" i entered and closed the door beind me. I found him laying on his bed, with a wet paper in his hand. I sucessfully tried to ignore the bloody sheets.

,,What's wrong, bud?" i sat next to him and placed the curry on his table. He didn't answer. ,,I may not know what's going on, but you'll feel much better once you get it off your chest, trust me. Come here." i said and pulled him closer. He hugged me tightly and started crying. ,,Shhh.. It will be alright." i repeated whileI running my fingers trough his hair.

After vomiting twice and few minutes of crying, he managed to calm down. ,,Do you want to tell me what happend?" i asked. After few seconds of thinking he agreed.

~Three years ago~

Nikko was on a daily walk with the rest of his big family. They stopped by in the park. The children were playing while The two adults were watching them. Nikko wanted to explore the forest. They weren't allowed to go there alone, but he did it anyway.

He memorized specific trees to make sure he won't get lost. He found a way out of the forest, and saw a small villiage. After few minutes, he wanted to go back, but the peaceful silence was interput by loud yelling. Nikko ran to see what happend. The screaming was comming from one of the houses.

Few seconds later, a loud crash could be heard, how something was thrown out of the window and broke it. It took less than a second to Nikko to realize that it was a living being. He threw himself in front of it, hoping it would slow down the fall. They both crashed into a nearby tree.

,,DON'T EVER COME BACK OR I'LL KILL YOU! YOU F!CKING MISTAKE!!" someone, probably an adult man, screamed and threw a bottle towards them. Nikko took the hit, which made his head bleed. It took few seconds for him to come back to his senses and proceess what just happend.

He realized that the thing that was thrown out of the window was a child. The boy looked to be two years younger than him. Nikko took him on his back and started making his way back. His head hurts and the blood was starting to dry.

,,Dad! Papa!" he screamed as he was getting close. ,,Nikko! Where did you- Oh god- What happend?!" the weretiger ran to them. ,,Give me the boy and go to dad, he has some bandages." Atsushi said and took the child. ,,Will he be okay?" Nikko asked in a worried tone. ,,I hope so, he should be just knocked out." the weretiger said. Nikko nodded and went to find his dad.

,,Nikko! Where were you?! And what happend?" Akutagawa picked him up. ,,Long story." Nikko grinned. Akutagawa sighed. ,,Here, stay still." he said and put some desinfection on a pocket tissue. After he bandaged his son's wound, he whistled on his fingers, giving the children signal they're going home.

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