Hello there (A/N)

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Hi guys, I'm sorry i was dead for so long😅 I've been kinda busy with school, lazy and unmotivated, so i was just chilling ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

But! Now i know what to write! My plan is to write a normal chapter, then a special chapter that will be important later, then a normal chapter, then the special chapter etc.

The problem is, i have no ideas for the normal chapters. I have planned only the first two-three chapters and then the very last one. I'm really bad at anything related to romance, because i don't like that genre. I like fanfics and ships, but i could never watch a romantic movie, that was just jxnsnykks. I like sci-fi and fantasy more UwU

!Pls guys i need some fluffy ideas for soukoku, i'd be really happy if you could share some, tysm!

Have a pic of my cat as a sorry

*cracks fingers* aight it's time to write

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