reality .03

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"hey dad?" ricky called out once he walked into his house. the boy noticed how dark it was so he turned on all the lights to see his dad knocked out on the couch. there were beer bottles all over the coffee table and take out contains all over the floor. the house was a mess.

"why the hell are you home so late?" ricky's dad, mike, spat and sat up in the couch.

"i has basketball tryouts, remember?" ricky reminded his dad, but he just rolled his eyes in response. mike looked at ricky's empty hands and groaned.

"you didn't bring home dinner?"

"i uh.. you didn't ask-"

"GOD RICKY! do i have to remind you to do everything!?" mr. bowen yelled and shoved ricky backwards. the boy stumbled a bit, almost falling over the coffee table but caught himself in time.

"i... im sorry," ricky quietly said and looked to the floor, "if you want, ill go get dinner right now?"

"NO!" rickys dad yelled and grabbed another beer bottle from the fridge, "you already pissed me off! just go make yourself useful somewhere else!"

"well.. what do you want me to do, dad?"

mike walked right up to ricky's face and grabbed him by the collar, "ricky, get out of my face." he harshly let go of ricky and pushed him towards the door. ricky let out a deep breath and made his way out of the house again.

 ricky let out a deep breath and made his way out of the house again

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"god, im so tired," nini breathed out once tryouts were over. she sat down on the bench in the locker room and tried to cool down for a bit.

"you did great nini," gina told her while they all got ready to leave. nini smiled and nodded her head.

"thanks, so did you," nini told gina. frankie came in the locker room, downing her final gatorade bottle and leaned against the locker.

"my body hurts," frankie whined. gina and nini started laughing and agreed. the three of them finally got done dressing. they all put on their sweats and hoodies, taking off their sweaty clothes.

"do you guys coming over or what?" nini asks gina and frankie as they all got into her car.

"yeah sure," gina answered, "my mom doesn't get off till nine so i'll get picked up by then."

"okay, how about you frankie?" nini asks as she turned around to look at frankie in the backseat.

"yeah i guess i could stay for a little. gina, could i ride home with you thought?" gina nods her head and nini clapped her hands in excitement.

"yay!" nini exclaimed. as she was driving home, she contemplated if she should tell gina and frankie about the note, but decided against it. maybe he wouldn't even reply back.

they pulled up to nini's "house". nini's moms owned a bakery/coffee shop, but they all lived on the second floor. so the coffee shop is the first floor and nini lived right on top of it.

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