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Emilio led me towards his office which was on the Fourth floor. He motioned me inside a room which seems to be his office. He went towards his desk and sat on his chair. And motioned for me to sit across him.

I have just sat there for some seconds but it felt like hours. The tension in the air is choking the living daylights out of me.

I looked up at Emilio just to found him staring intently at me. I nervously fidgeted with the hem of my shirt, looking down.

"Look up!" Emilio said sternly.

I shivered at his voice and looked up.

"Isabella, You need to follow certain rules." He said

He used my real name. No nickname. It means he is way too serious about it.

I cannot let him hate me at our first meeting. What are these stupid rules. Go on tell me. I will follow them. If it satisfies Emilio.

I nodded my head and said, "OK"

He nodded at my answer approvingly.

"1. No back talks, swearing and always give verbal ans--" I cut him off "BU--" He glared at me, his eyes ever so darkening, which made me sulk in my seat.

His eyes soften a little bit as he took in my state I am in now.

But nonetheless he sternly said, " Don't ever interrupt me when I am saying something. Is that clear"

"Y-yes" I said.

"Why did your eyes darken" I muttered under my breath to myself

"What did you say?" He asked raising one of his eyebrows

"Uh-h N-nothing" I told him

His eyes again darken and he said,"Don't ever lie to me." in a tone which left no room for any argument or lie.

"I-i said y-your e-eyes d-darkened" I spoke to him looking at him from under my lashes.

He looked at him amusedly and asked "When does it happens?" 

"When you get a-angry?" 

"Right Bambina, so it will be good if you don't make me angry. "

"O-Okay" I gulped

Emilio never got angry on me before. Why now?

Emilio nodded and continued. 


He wants verbal answers but doesn't gives one.

"2. No drinking, drugs and smoking.

3. Get good grades in school.

4. No relationship with boys.

5. You are not allowed to enter in the basement and 4th floor without any of your brother or my permission.

6. You must tell any of your brother whenever you are going anywhere. Don't go without telling any one of us.

7. Listen to all of your brothers, clear?"

He told all these rules sternly.

I listened intently to him. Not bothering him to be a little lineant or anything. I want to be a good girl for him like I was before.

I don't want to live without family again. I have found them just yet. What if they give up on me?

No! I can't let that happen. I want to stay with them. They are my only family.

I nodded. Then instantly corrected myself saying, "Okay"

Wait! They are my brothers. So where is my Mon and Dad. Yeah! I haven't seen them. What if they don't want to see me?

I must not make any assumptions I should ask him.

"Where is mom and dad?" I asked him quietly

This question caught him off-guard. As he stiffened for a little bit but instantly composed himself again.

"They are dead" He replied.

What??!! I won't be able to see them. It felt like someone crumpled my world under their toes. I felt awful. They are not here.

"W-wait! so who was there with me all this time."

I know I didn't believe her to be my mom. But she looked just like her.

"Mom's twin" He replied

What???Why??? I never knew about her. All this time of living with her she never let me know.


"W-why did s-she d-did this?" I asked him

"That's not the right time to tell you about it. In future maybe I will tell you." He said


I don't know what to say to him so I just nodded.


He glared at me.


Geez! When did Emilio became so cold? We have met just today and he is behaving like this. Maybe he is trying to adjust. I cannot blame him though.

Maybe I am forcing them.

"So Bella, You will be joining school Next Monday. There will be christmas break just after that week. But I suggest you to go and get familiar with the environment there. That will help you to prepare in the meantime."

"And also you will be going to shopping with your brothers tomorrow for clothes, school supplies and all the necessities."

I nodded and said, "okay"

And when he was done I made my way to the gate. When I spotted.....................'MY PAINTING'

Wow!!! He bought one of my paintings. I looked at the painting and then at Emilio whose phone rang before I could speak anything to him.

I decided to tell him next time.

I was happy beyond any extent. He bought my painting.

I thought to talk to him about this later. 

With that I left the office.

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