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Where is my class?

I don't wanna be late for my first-class.

The bell rang.

And I still haven't find the right class.

A girl approached me and said, "You new?"

I nodded at her.

She smiled and said, "Let me help."

I smiled gratefully at her.

I handed her my time-table and when she saw it she squealed.

"We've the same first, third, fourth and last class."

I smiled at her not knowing what to do now.

Then she started walking saying, "Follow me."

And I followed her.

First the girl entered and then I.

As the bell has already rang. Everyone was already sitted.

Now everyone's eyes was one me.

Just great.

I nervously fidgeted with my hands and started searching for an empty seat.

But the girl who helped me has some other plans. She started dragging me with her and sat me at the window seat and she itself sat at my right.

The teacher is late.

Thank God. Don't wanna embarass myself at my first day for getting late.

The girl who helped me said, "I'm Alex."

I smiled at this girl and said, "I'm Isabella, Alex"

The girl squealed and said, "I think we gonna be great friends."

I don't know about being friends. I never had much friends.

But probably this time it will be different.


I shook my head and smiled at her.

Then I said," Me too."

Her smiled widened at my comment.

Before she could say anything the teacher entered.

"Good morning class. We've a new student here. Care to intoduce yourself." The teacher said while looking around probably for the new student.

I stood up and said nervously, "Hey guys. I'm Isabella"

As I said that the boys hooted while the girls shot daggers at me through their eyes.

Don't know what I have done to them.

I sighed and sat down.

The teacher started the class and I just looked outside the class.

I have already studied all this but I haven't told my brothers about it.

I don't know if there is a need to tell them about it or not.

If time comes I will tell them.

"Miss Isabella. Pay Attention." The Teacher shouted making me snap back to reality.

"Answer the question written on the board." He said

"And if you didn't answer then-"

He started saying something but I cut him off.

"It's 196.5326.....5" I said.

The teacher looked at me wide-eyed and took out a calculator and checked the answer.

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