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As soon as I left the office I made my way to my room. 

But wait!

I don't remember where is my room. Oh great now. 

I trudged myself around the house in hope to find someone to help me. I was walking down the stairs when I listened loud voiced coming out of a room. I made my way in the direction to ask if they could help me or something.

"Why the hell should you bring her here? For all we know she could  be one of that Katherine's bitch. What if she is just like here, huh?" Xavier yelled 

"Xavier, she is our sister. She looks like her and she even called us from our childhood names. Don't know what she might have face in these past years." Ace spoke sadly

"We don't need to do any pity on her. She is a con-artist. She is here just out of her greed." Xavier yelled again.

This made me heartbroken. He didn't believe me. He thinks I am some con-artist? He didn't want me here. 

What do you expect Bella? That you met them and everything will be alright. No! They are letting you stay here out of pity. 

yeah! pity!

Tears started rolling down my eyes. 

I stumbled a little bit from the crude revealation. As I tried to hold the corner of a furniture to steady myself, It fell. And the vase on it shattered into pieces, just like my heart. Suddenly the loud voices coming from the inside abruptly stopped and the door was flung opened to reveal Ace and Xavier.

He looked at me with guilt, regret and sadness visible in his eyes. He tried to come near me. But I turned on my heels and started running towards the other direction in the process hurting myself with one of the glass shards but it didn't hurt much as I have faced the worse. 

Luckily, I saw a familiar door in my vision. I flung opened the door and shut it behind me. 

I made my way towards my bed and jumped on it and started crying on the pillows. My sobs coming muffled. 

If he doesn't want me then, what should I do. I cannot force him to like me. I will go away from here. Right! I will go away. I have enough money with me and I will work harder. 

My escape thoughts were interuptted by a knock on the door. I didn't replied to it.

"Hey! Baby girl. It's me Noah." Noah said

I didn't replied to him this time too.

" Please let me in." He asked with so much calmness and sadness that I cannot say no to him. I made my way towards the door and opened it. 

As soon as I opened the door Noah hugged me. I hugged him back and started crying on his chest.

He took me to my bed and sat me down. 

His eyes then widened with worry as he saw my foot. 

"Ella, you are bleeding" he exclaimed

I looked down and my own eyes widened. I knew I got a cut. But I didn't knew that it was this deep. 

"Just sit here. I will come in a second." He hurriedly said and ran out of my room.

He came with Ace to my room. 

Ace looked at the cut and frowned, worry evident in his eyes. 

He checked the cut.

"Bambina, you will need stitches for this." He said sadly.

"No!" I exclaimed

Ace and Noah looked at me questioningly.

"I-i d-don't want to g-go to the h-hospital" I replied quietly

Ace gave me a sad smel and said "It's okay Bambina, You won't be needed to go the hospital. I can do it." He said looking at me with a small smile.

I shook my head. 

Ace took out the glass piece from my feet and I screamed, "Aaahhh"


It didn't hurt this much before.

They looked sadly at me.

Noah ruffled my hair. And I dismissed his hands and pouted.

They both chuckled at my reaction. 

"Now, rest Bambina" Ace said and I nodded tiredly at him with a yawn.

Ace smilingly shook his head.

I made myself comfortable on the bed and slowly started falling asleep.

Just before I drifted to sleep, I heard, "We are happy to get you back, Bambina"

This made a glitter of hope form in my heart. Maybe. Maybe, I will be with my family again and with this thought I fell asleep.

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