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I woke up and found myself in a white room with lots of machines and beeping.


And then the horrible event that happened came rushing in my mind.

I looked at my leg and found it covered with all the gauze.

I was shot.

Then my eyes-widened.

Bubba was shot too.

I looked around in panic.

Nobody is here.

I quickly removed all the machines attached to me and the Iv's and abruptly shot up from the bed.

Bad move.

White-pain shot up from my right leg.

I groaned in pain.

But I didn't stopped there.

I started moving with the support of walls and all the other things which came in my way.

I looked to my left and right and found no doctor or nurse.

I started searching for Bubba or any of my brother but found no one.

I waked further and saw Xavier on a hospital bed with all the wires attached to his body.

Xander, Austin and Noah were all sitting in that room staring in space.

My eyes-widened and guilt took over me.

He is in this condition just cause of me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks.

I quickly wiped them up.

I entered the room and saw all the guys except Xavier's head snapped towards me.

Austin and Noah had on a blank face while Xander looked at me with a scowl.

My heart broke when I saw him looking at me with hatred.

"What do you want now?" He shouted at me angrily.

I was taken aback.

"I-I j-just came t-to see b-bub-" I tried to speak but Xander cut me off.

"Oh cut the crap. Just tell us who did this?" Austin shouted this time.

I flinched, now terrified of him.

"I-I d-don't k-kn--" Xander again cut me off.

"Don't you dare speak bullshit. He is in coma just because of you. Kenzie told us everything." Xander growled.

I looked at him wide-eyed.


Oh God!

And what did Kenzie told them.

And they believed her?

That much trust.

I'm flattered.

"If you wouldn't have been here. He would be there with me laughing and joking around. And not on this hospital bed for God knows how long. The poor excuse of a doctor didn't even know when he will wake up." He screamed at me while tears were rolling down his cheeks.

That hurts.

He doesn't want me here. 

That's a lie. Right?

I looked at Austin and Noah for some support but they just stared at me angrily now.

I feel terrible.

"Just do Xavier a last favor and go away." Austin shouted while Xander angrily pushed me away from the room.

I yelped in pain when my already injured foot twisted.

Tears were freely coming out of my eyes non-stop.

They don't want me here. They don't even trust me.

They are right.

It's all cause of me.

If we haven't went to the park cause of my pathetic self crying. Then this won't have happened.

I quickly wiped my tears and started walking out of the hospital with my injured leg.

Not caring even when it started bleeding again.

I reached the mansion, after taking a cab.

While I was passing from the living room I saw mine and Xavier's phone there. I picked up mine and then moved towards my room.

I Packed my stuff in a suitcase and booked a flight.

I just hope Bubba will wake up soon.

Otherwise I won't be able to forgive myself ever.

With that I left the mansion.

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