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Soon after knowing the location and getting the aid all the Valentino brothers took off to rescue their oldest brother with sheer determination.

They were in their cars fully prepare to fight.

WIth one aim in their mind, "Protect their Capo. And most importantly their brother."


The doppleganger of Emilio was in his fourth floor office trying to extract some information about some important information about the mafia.

But he couldn't find anything.

Even a scratch file.


He was frustrated.

There have to be something. He knew that his boss is gonna kill him if he return to them empty-handed.

He started searching more profusely.

He was sweating by now.

He has searched every corner of Emilio's system.

But still nothing.


Ella has successfully sneaked outside the mansion not before telling the fake Emilio that he is going with all the brothers for Christman shopping.

So that he won't doubt them about their immdediate absense fromt he mansion.

She is in one of the backseat of the car which left in the last.

The backseat was filled with different types of weapons.

But she just knows how to use a gun. 

Not too good.

But still she knows something about it.

She sneaked three guns and hid two under her waistband and one in her hand.

She also saw some daggers.

She don't know how to use them. But she can just stab someone with it.

She thought.

So she quickly sneaked up some daggers too and hid it in his booty shoes.

Soon the car came to an abrupt halt.

She quickly came out of the car and hid under the car.

She saw how everyone surrounded the warehouse and all her brothers entered inside professionally.

Like it's their regular job.


It is.

When her brothers went inside.

She also came outside not before looking all around her that whether someone is looking or not at her.

She sneaked inside and thankfully nobody saw her.

She saw how all her brothers fought from a good distance.

She was in aww with how all her brothers were fighting.

How Austin was shooting his aim perfectly.

How Xander, Xavier and Noah were beating the crap of the enemies like they were nothing but ants.

She thought, 'I will ask them to teach me all those cool moves.'

She quickly got rid of all these thoughts and started searching for Emilio all the while hiding.

And she was now very much grateful of her short height.

It really helped her in hiding.

She was by now a lot away from all the fighting.

She heard some yelling coming from a door.

She thought whether she should open it or not.

She thought at first to ignore it.

Her first priority is her brother.

But don't know what got into her.

She just opened the gate.

And what she saw brought tears in her eyes.

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