Chapter 18: Uncontrollable

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No one's POV (I'm sorry I know it's been long since an actual POV, I just find this easier).

Kokichi's eyes fluttered and opened slowly. He had a huge head ache.

"Uuuuu.. what the hell.." He said. Kokichi tried to sit up, but was stopped by someone's arms around him. He turned and faced the person embracing him, just to realize it's Shuichi.

Kokichi didn't know if he was either relieved or flustered. Probably surprised instead, because it only took him a few seconds before he blushed and let out a scream.

This awakened the taller male, who sat up from the shock of the shorter's scream. Then, the detective also started to scream without knowing why.

"WHATS WRONG?!" Shuichi asked worried.
"I-I DON'T KNOW!" Kokichi replied.

They looked at each other before Kokichi began laughing. Shuichi stayed quiet, trying to understand why he had woken up at screams.

"Sorry Shumai, I probably scared you." The liar said between giggles.
"D-Don't worry, I probably scared you first."
"I didn't dislike it though. Actually, can you do it again?"

The detective was a little shaken by this words, but weird enough, the liar seemed to be as surprised as him. Kokichi covered his mouth with his hand.

"I-I didn't-"
"It's okay, if you want to." Shuichi said while blushing a little.
"Really? Can I get some kisses too? I always cherished kisses from my beloved!" Kokichi smiled widely while he said it, but as soon as he finished his eyes widened at his own words.

Shuichi just stayed there, flustered, staring at Kokichi while having an inner panic.

"K-Kokichi are you feeling alright?" Shuichi asked worried.
"I-I don't know why I s-said that.."
"Do you think it's because of the motive?"

Kokichi panicked by now. If that was true, and the motive was affecting his lying skills,

"MY FACADE WILL BE RUINED!" He said loudly as he grabbed his purple hair.

"They'll see im weak! I'm so doomed!" Kokichi wrapped his knees against his chest and hid his head in between. (Please tell me my explanation worked, I'm terrible at describing actions.)

"What...? Weak?" Shuichi asked silently.

Kokichi had forgotten Shuichi was there, too. The purple haired boy looked up quickly and stared at the taller male.

"You weren't s-supposed to hear that.."

Kokichi got up and started pushing Shuichi to the door.

"Hey what are you?!-"
"Hush! If you stay, you'll hear things Id rather keep for myself, so SHOO!" Kokichi raised his voice in the last part as he finally pushed Shuichi out the room. Shuichi fell backwards and onto the ground.

"Oh- I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, are you alright?" Kokichi asked, the instantly regretted it and said:
"Wait no! I'm not supposed to- UGGGGGHH!"

Kokichi gave a frustrated sigh and shut the door. Then he kneeled on the floor and started asking himself whether he should blush at everything he said at Saihara or cry at everything he said at Saihara. Or maybe he should panic at how he would have to deal with this for two days.

Shuichi was also having an existential crisis. He just laid down in the floor and analyzed Kokichi's comments.

"What.. was all of that.." Shuichi asked to himself silently.

Word Count: 587
Yep I decided to go with the no-lie policy since I feel like there are many.. interesting.. scenarios with this.

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