Chapter 3: Presidential Encounter

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Erin looked at the student guide she was holding. Though she has great intellect when it comes to solving problems, this one is not one of those problems. She always have difficulty pointing out places and she often gets lost in unfamiliar locations. This was one of the Goddess' weakness and she is honestly annoyed at this one.

It also doesn't help that Kuoh is a big school and you can easily get lost in it.

" I guess I have to ask some students for help."

She scanned her surroundings and noticed a student standing near a vendo machine. She approached her with caution and composed herself before asking.

" Hello. I'm a transfer student and I'm kinda lost. Can you help me find where this room is?"

The said girl looked at her direction and gazed at her intently.

" She seems to be studying me." Erin thought.

The girl has medium length hair and wore glasses. She is of average build and has bigger proportions than Erin. The Goddess sulked at this.

" No problem. My name is Tsubaki Shinra, I am the vice president of the student council in this school."

Erin straightened after hearing her introduction. She didn't expect that she would encounter an authoritative figure on her way. Taking her offered hand, Erin shook it and introduced herself as well.

" My name is Erin Vermillion. Nice to meet you."

" Vermillion?" Tsubaki lightly mumbled to which Erin heard her. The Goddess sensed that the vice president has a different aura. The aura of a supernatural being and she decided to play along since the girl can't sense her aura anyway.

" Yes. As in Letter V for Vermillion." She held up two of her fingers for a V sign. " And you spell it with double L."

" Ah. My apologies. I was just confused since your surname was quite unheard of."

Erin internally smirked at this but she just outwardly smiled for appearance.

" Anyways, may I request that we head first towards the Student Council room? It is among the academy's protocol that transfer students needed to meet up with the Student Council. This would save you for future inconvenience."

" No problem. Lead the way." Erin politely offered and Tsubaki walked first to guide her.

" Vermillion huh." Tsubaki thought and glanced at Erin. " I never thought that there's a chance we might encounter a descendant of that bloodline. I thought that it was just a myth. She is pretty normal and has a human aura though."

They reached the Student Council Room and Tsubaki entered first followed by Erin. The vice president approached the young heiress sitting on the chair and briefly explained the situation. Needless to say, Sona's curiosity was brought.

" Greetings. My name is Sona Shitori. I am the president of the Student Council and it is one of our duties to personally welcome new students in our academy."

" Shitori? If I am not mistaken, her surname if rearranged spells Sitri. One of the 72 pillars of the devil household and currently holding the title of Leviathan." Thought Erin as she accepted Sona's hand. She had read about the Factions using a book given by her mother

" Nice to meet you, President Sona. My name is Erin Vermillion. I am to be enrolled as a 2nd year student this year and its a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Bowed Erin politely in her knight behavior.

" There's no need for extreme formalities. Please take a seat." Sona directed her to the chair just in front of her table.

"We have a few documents you needed to fill up which is needed for the student's record to be kept inside the school." Sona motioned for Tsubaki to get the required documents. " As a custom, the school shall provide the new students with their respective uniforms, if  the students desire. But I guess there is no need to do that seeing that you are already in your Kuoh uniform."

" Oh yes. My mother brought me this uniform beforehand." answered Erin with a smile. Sona saw this as an opening and decided to question the teen to dig for more information.

" That's nice. What about your siblings then? Or are you an only child?"

Tsubaki gave Erin the form and she answered the president's question while doing so.

" Yes. I have one brother. My mother, brother, and I live alone now since my father passed away when I was still young."

" I'm sorry to hear that."

" No need to feel bad, President."

" So what does your mother do? Is she and your brother both working?"

" Kinda. They accept services from clients like hunting down criminals and such."

Sona shared a knowing look with Tsubaki and the president asked another question.

" So who are your usual clients? Do they involve weird people and other things?"

Erin knew what Sona was implying. She was trying to confirm whether she is indeed from the Knight Bloodline because if yes, the president can clearly conclude that Erin can detect their aura and have a clear understanding of their true identity

" Umm.. I guess?" feigned Erin in confusion. " I don't really know who they are meeting since I don't involve myself with their activities most of the time."

" I see... " Sona replied in deep thought. She was trying to decipher whether Erin was just pretending or her surname was just a big coincidence.

"I'm finished, President. Do I need to submit this to the faculty or -

" You can just leave it here." Erin nodded and stood up from her seat.

" Thank you for your time, President Sona."

" No need. It is our duty. Tsubaki, can you assist Erin-san to her homeroom?"

" Yes, Kaichou." The two exited the room and Sona was left alone in her thoughts. Grabbing the form answered by Erin, a smirk appeared on her face and she was amused by the the Goddess' response.

Name of Parent: Archaeriya
Name of Sibling: Zefolschian

" So you are indeed a descendant of that bloodline. Funny how you mimicked the way I changed my name."

Remarked Sona at the Goddess' obvious attempt to mock her name change.

- End of Chapter -

The Knight Goddess (A Dxd Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें