Chapter 14: Meeting Asia

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Erin and Issei were on their way to Kuoh. The brown haired teen kept complaining about his friends who didn't agree with his opinion.

" I mean. I understand that Seiren has its skills but I believe that Takeru is better in all aspects!"

Erin was used to Issei's ramble so from time to time she would only nod. The boy kept rambling that he ended up colliding with another person.

" I-I'm really sorry!" Issei said with his head down.

" I-It's alright." came the feeble voice of the girl. She was wearing a nun outfit and was a cute blonde who appears to be of young age.

The goddess couldn't pin point but her Knight senses automatically kick in; giving her the need to protect the girl in front of her at all costs.

" What's with this feeling? Is it because of her innocent looking demeanor or because she appeared weak and defenseless?" Thought Erin in a daze.

" Ah, here." Issei extended an arm to help the girl stand up. Upon doing so, Issei couldn't help but scrutinize the blonde. His eroge mode activating as he caught a flash of white panty underneath.

" Ooh. The color greatly suits her. She's-


Erin prevented Issei from being further perverted and the boy can only clutch the back of his head in pain.

" Hello there." Erin introduced. " My name is Erin Vermillion." She nudged Issei and he also introduced himself.

" Ah right. My name is Issei Hyoudou."

" Hello. My name is Asia Argento and I am a nun." responded Asia with a bright smile.

"Kawaii." Issei thought and a blush appeared on his face

" Why is this feeling of needing to protect her increasing?!" was Erin's thought as she observed the Nun's smile.

"If you don't mind us asking, what brought you here in this town?"

" I am sent to deliver something to the church downtown." replied Asia.

" How old are you, Asia-san?" asked Issei in wonder.

" Eto, If I were to enroll then I will be a 2nd year student."

"Oh, so you are the same age as us!" Issei said cheerfully.

" Uwaahhh!! Mommy!"

They saw a boy crying at a distance and Asia excused herself to help the crying child.

" Here, here. Little boys shouldn't cry so much over a little scratch." Her hands glowed green and seconds later, the wound on the boy's knee disappeared.

Issei gave Erin a look as if saying ' Did you see that?'

The Goddess responded with a nod as she understood what Issei meant.

" It must be a Sacred Gear."

" What gear is it?"

" I'm not sure. I'll ask my mom when I get home."

The boy happily bid goodbye to Asia and the blonde girl returned to the two.

Erissei shared a look and contemplated whether they should confront Asia about her gear. They decided to just let it slide for now.

" Ano.. I am not familiar with the places here. Where is the nearest road that leads to the church?" asked Asia in a shy voice.

"We can accompany you if you want."

Erin looked at Issei in disbelief.

" Did he seriously forget that we have classes?"

" Really? That's very kind of you two." Beamed Asia. " Thank you very much! This must be the Lord's doing."

" Who cares about classes anyway.." Erin thought as her Knight senses kick in; automatically wanting to help Asia.

---- Kuoh Academy -----

" I tried looking for them in their room, Buchou. But apparently, Hyoudou-san and Vermillion-san seem to skip morning classes. Their classmates said they were absent all morning."

" I see. ." Rias replied. She sent the Blonde knight to invite the two to the Club room in order to offer Issei a slot in her peerage. This of course was just a pretense since Rias did this in order to catch a glimpse of a certain Goddess.

She can't understand why she wanted to see her and she seems restless until she can see the girl.

" Ara, Koneko-chan.. That's a cute plushie you have there."

Hearing this, the other occupants of the room directed their gaze to the mascot. She was sitting on the couch and hugging a cat plushie close to her chest.

" Where did you buy that, Koneko-chan?"

" Senpai."

" Ara?" responded Akeno in confusion.

" Senpai gave it to me."

They waited for Koneko to explain further but all they got was silence.

Rias and Akeno looked at Kiba and the boy only shrugged as if saying 'It wasn't me."

----- Back to EriSsei's view------

" Thank you very much! Erin-san and Issei-san." said Asia with a bow. " I had so much fun today."

Erissei responded with a smile as they remembered the games, shops, and restaurants they tried all day. After visiting the church, they decided to give the Nun a tour in town. Asia was new to a variety of things and Erissei were eager to teach her about the things she didn't know.

During the course of their tour, Asia told them about her Sacred Gear called Twilight Healing and her painful experience of being exiled due to her mistake of healing a devil. Erissei were angered hearing this and would gladly beat up any person who would hurt Asia in the future.

" You're welcome Asia-chan. We had a lot of fun too."

" Yeah!" agreed Issei.

The two decided to exchange numbers with Asia but sadly, the nun didn't have a cellphone. Issei was sad hearing this since they won't have any means of contacting the Blonde nun again.

Fortunately, Erin had a Special Bracelet. She searched for the items in her bag and she gave both Issei and Asia a piece of the accessory.

"The Bracelet acts like a sensor. You obviously can't talk to each other using this but when one of us needs help, the bead of the Bracelet will glow and we can track the location of the person who sent the signal."

" Sugoi.." remarked Issei in amazement as he examined the bracelet. " Where did you get this, Erin?"

" It's a gift given by one our clients when we successfully completed our mission." She turned to Asia and said

" Asia-chan. We might not know when our paths will cross again. But if ever you need help, we will always find you and help you no matter what! Just call for us through the bracelet and we will respond."

" Thank you very much! Erin-san" said Asia in joy as she wore the bracelet on her right arm.

Erissei hugged the nun before they parted ways and the two looked like they were ready to burst to tears in any moment.

" WAHHH! ERIN!!" Issei said and hugged the Goddess.

" I KNOW ISSEI!" Replied Erin in anime-like tears as they watched the retreating nun's figure.

- End of Chapter -

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