Chapter 30: Cooldown

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* Short Notice: This chapter will be pretty long too. Anyways, enjoy reading 😊

Erin was teleported at the back venue of the party where Sirzechs was the first to greet her.

" Congratulations, Erin." He smiled. " I wasn't wrong to contract the services of your household."

"Of course. We make sure that we deliver superior services to our clients." Replied Erin as she changed back to her casual attire. Sirzechs stepped closer to her and whispered in her ear.

" Don't worry. Your identity is safe with me and I won't be divulging any info without your permission."

Erin nodded at this and the two shared a look.

" Thank you, Sirzechs. But don't forget the payment for saving Rias. I'm seriously drained from fighting that chicken."

Sirzechs laughed at this and patted her shoulders.

" Of course I won't. We owe Rias' freedom to you and the least we can do is to pay you sufficiently."

" And about the matter we talked about a few days ago." she added.

Sirzechs' expression turned serious and he gave a nod to the Goddess.

" Yes. I will help in locating your killer. But Erin, you should be aware that even if we managed to do that, you can't just act brashly and corner him." He continued and spoke in worry. " Your actions might provoke a majority of the Fallen Angel Faction and a chain reaction may occur causing a conflict to arise."

" I understand." Erin replied. "Your assistance is already enough. Not to mention, your willingness to help me reach my grandfather as well."

" Now that is settled, shall we head back inside and formally break the engagement?"

" After you." Erin made a little bow and motioned towards the entrance making the Maou chuckle.

Once inside, they were greeted with cheers and rounds of applause.

" Everyone." Sirzechs motioned and the crowd went quiet. " We have witnessed a spectacular match to which the descendant of the Vermillion lineage won. It is just fair that we ask the young Knight on what her wishes are for winning the match and displaying an incredible performance."

He turned to Erin

" What would you like as a reward, Young Knight?"

" I would like to break the engagement between Rias Gremory and Riser Phenex." Erin said in practiced words. This caused the audience to gasp and the two conspirators just smirked internally.

" Ah, that is a high wish but not quite impossible to achieve." Sirzechs remarked and looked at Erin knowingly.

" We would have to consult the other parties about that." He looked at Riser's father. " What do you think, Phenex-sama?"

" Hmm. She spared the life of my Son earlier. Frankly, the decision shall be up to her and her wish shall be executed without any problem."

" And you, father?"

The patriarch of the Gremory Household gave Erin a stare down until he arrived at his decision.

" It is what the results declared. The engagement shall be cancelled."

The ORC cheered at this and Erin was relieved hearing the decision. Well, not like they have any other choice since if they disagree with her wish, she can just give them a good beating.

" Then your wish shall be honored." Sirzechs said with a bright smile. " In addition to this, since you defeated Rias' former fiancé, this automatically sets you as her new partner and new fiancée. So congratulations Erin. You're engaged." The red head declared with mischief.

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