Chapter 15: She's a User too!

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" Why are we being called again?" Issei asked in a skeptical tone to the Blonde Knight. " I swear. If you try to ambush us again then I will pummel you to the ground."

Issei's threat didn't affect the boy and his ramble fell to deaf ears. Kiba instead kept his gaze at the Goddess walking on his right. He would steal glances from time to time when he felt like the Goddess wasn't looking.

Erin was in deep thought and quite frankly, in a dampened mood after she learned that her Sacred Gear is experiencing some issues. She can now control the volatilty of the gear, that is, she can prevent it from involuntarily activating. However, she learned that for some strange reason, the gear prevented her from summoning her Geass. The other attacks were okay and it was amplified by the gear.

" I can't think of any close explanation. It is possible that the Gear is kind of.. downloading? For a lack of better term. Maybe it is the reason why I can't summon my geass."

She furrowed her eyebrows and became annoyed.

" The geass could have saved me a lot of time when fighting. It'll be a waste if it will truly be banned from being used."

Kiba opened the door for them and Erin blankly said thanks. Even if this was the case, this was enough to startle the Blonde Knight and cause a faint blush to appear on his cheek.

For unknown reasons, he was glad that the Goddess wasn't mad at him.

"Good Morning to you, Issei and Erin." greeted Rias whose mood involuntarily brightened after seeing the Goddess.

This was in contrast to Erin's mood who looked like she need to take some time off.

" Good morning to you too, Rias-senpai!" replied Issei with a smile.
Erin only nodded in acknowledgement.

" Ufufu. Hello, Issei-kun." Akeno said which doubled Issei's good mood. Erin internally frowned at this.

" Why am I annoyed at that?" She thought.

"Please prepare them some tea, Akeno."

" Hai, Buchou-

" Ah, there's no need, Rias-senpai." Issei quickly interjected with a wave of his hands. "We're fine by not having anything."

" No, I insist. As an apology for last time too."

Issei can't find the words to counter the red heads words so it was Erin's turn to speak.

" To put it simply, it means we don't like tea. Rias." said Erin in nonchalance.

"Oh I see... " Rias trailed off; flustered upon hearing the Goddess say her name

" Anyways.." She looked at Issei. " I called you here to discuss some preposition."

Issei looked at Erin in confusion. The Goddess replied and simply said 'offer'. The brown haired teen was then all ears.

" Yep. And that's my cue to leave." Erin mumbled to herself and proceeded to leave the room.

" Where are you going?" Rias asked.

" Out?" Erin said the obvious. " Since you need to discuss some matters with Issei." She grabbed the door handle until -

" No, Stay!"

Rias' voice rose a few octaves. Like she fears Erin would really leave the room. The occupants of the room looked at her in confusion and the red head was also confused herself.

" I-I mean. You can stay and listen to the discussion as well."

" Are you sure?" Erin confirmed.

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