Chapter 9: A Secret to Keep

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Erin brought Issei to her home and explained the situation to her family members. Sebastian was angered and swore that he would give the Fallen Angel a punishment if ever he saw her.

They then explained the ordeal to Issei including their Knight lineage and identity. Of course, they excluded the part of Erin being a Half- Goddess.

The boy was overwhelmed with the information he discovered but tried to remain calm as he digest the new info.

" So this means I am a Sacred Gear user? And those creatures called Fallen Angels are targetting me?"

"You are right, Hyoudou-san." Sebastian answered. "And Erin here is also a target but the difference is that they can't sense her aura."

" E-eh?"

" Basically, every living creature has an aura. We, humans, emit Human aura, for example. So those Fallen Angels also emit an aura but Fallen Angel-like aura. Do you get what I mean?" explained Erin.

" Ah, I get it. So she sensed the aura from my sacred gear and that's why she tried to kill me?"

" Correct!" Replied Erin like a proud mom.

A light-bulb flashed on Issei's mind and he asked the Goddess another question.

" So that's the reason why you were acting like we're dating earlier! Because you sensed her aura being a Fallen Angel." exclaimed the boy who looked like he solved the world's greatest mystery.

A shiver went down Issei's spine after he said those words and he looked behind him to see Sebastian smiling creepily.

" W-wah, I-I mean."

" Yes, Issei." replied Erin to save Issei. "I can sense her aura and honestly, my intuition was telling me that she was a bad deal."

" Oh.. But how was it that you were able to sense her aura?"

It was Archaea who answered the question this time

" Because our bloodline, has the special ability to do so. Serving different types of being grants us that ability. So we can pretty much identify who or what type of being we are associating."

" I see. So you really are a True Knight by blood."

Erin was confused on how Issei looked at all of them with star-filled eyes.

" That's so cool! I never imagined that I would meet one. I thought that it was only in the animes and movies."

Sebastian whispered in Erin's ear

" Is your friend always this... eccentric?"

" Yup. That's normal of him."

" Anyways, Hyoudou-san." Archaea said "We can start training so you can at least activate your Sacred Gear on its inital stages."

" H-Hai! I'm in your care." Said Issei and made a bow.

" You mentioned that you saw a dragon in your dream, right?"

" H-Hai. A red dragon."

" Interesting. Sebastian, get me those charms I kept in the cabinet."

The raven head went to retrieve the items and Archaea picked two pieces. He placed them on Issei's left arm and continued.

" Imagine the strongest image you can muster."

Issei nodded and closed his eyes. He imagined his favorite anime character and seconds later, a red light flashed on his left arm and a red gauntlet appeared. The gauntlet has a green orb on the middle.

" W-woah... Issei said in amazement.

"Based on its appearance, It's possible that your Sacred Gear is the Boosted Gear."

" Boosted Gear?"

" Yes. It is one of the Longinus or Sacred Gear who, according to the books, has the ability to kill a God."

"That's amazing." Uttered Issei as he gazed at the gauntlet on her arm. " What does it do?"

" According to the sources, it has the ability to double the energy of its user for a set amount of time and even transfer it to other people."

"I can't wait to use this one."

" But Hyoudou-san, You need to train how to use the gear because in order to maximize its potential, you have to reach certain levels."

" It's like you are upgrading your gear little by little."

" Soka." The brown-haired teen faced the Vermillion head and bowed once again. " Please help me train, Archaea-sama."

" No need to be so formal, Hyoudou-san. Just call me Archaea."

" Then you can just call me Issei too, Archaea-sama." Responded the boy with a smile.

"Yes. We can train you together with Erin here. She also activated her Sacred Gear recently and we are still investigating on what her Sacred Gear is."

Hearing this, Erin activated her Gear and the choker appeared on her neck. Issei's eyes widened in realization; seeing the familiar piece of accessory.

" That's the one I saw while you are fighting the Fallen Angel earlier."

" Are you sure?" Asked Erin in disbelief. " I'm certain I didn't activate it while fighting the enemy."

" Positive. I even imagined I was seeing things since it magically disappeared after you were done fighting."

Erin was baffled at this and Archaea was in deep thought.

" So you are saying that Erin's sacred gear involuntarily manifested itself?"

" Hai."

She turned to her daughter and gave a calculating gaze.

" It seems that your Sacred Gear is more volatile than I imagined. Can you remember anything important while you were fighting?"

" Hmm.. Nothing. Except that lightning attack, maybe."

" Yeah. That Fallen Angel looked liked an electrified bird! She was electrocuted for a sweet amount of time."

" For how long?" Sebastian asked.

" It was a good minute or two. Right, Erin?"

The Goddess nodded and Sebastian voiced out his thoughts.

" Electric shocks last for only a short amount of time. It won't even last for a minute, at most."

"So it's possible that Erin's gear amplified the impact of the attack?" Asked Archaea and Sebastian nodded.

" I can only identify one Sacred Gear who has that ability." Archaea looked at the gear closely. " And if we put the color into account.... There's a chance that your Sacred Gear is the Ultimate Accession, a gear known for its complimentary features."

" Ultimate Accession?" mumbled Erin

" Yes. From what I've read, only a few users have manifested that Gear. It is an extremely complex gear and needs specific requirements for it to be activated. In it's early stages, the Gear acts more like an enhancer. So the user needs to have skills which he/she must enhance for the Gear to be useful in the first place."

" I see..."

" We'll be training you two for the next few days to hopefully advance your gear to its next stages." said Archaea and Erissei nodded.

" And Issei.." She turned to the brown haired-boy who immediately straightened up.

" You must never divulge any information you learned this night. The fact that you are a Sacred Gear user and the Fact that you know about the Supernatural world."

Archaea added in a more serious tone

" This is a secret that you must keep no matter what."

- End of Chapter -

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