Chapter 10: Meeting the ORC

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Erin and Issei were currently at the cafeteria. The brown-haired boy was in a sulky mood and the Goddess was trying to cheer him up.

" Just think positive, Issei. If we still can't advance your gear to it's next stages then we'll just focus on mastering the attacks in its current level."

Issei planted his face on the table and sighed tiredly.

" Yes, that's likely. But there is a bigger chance that I won't advance to the next level. And that sucks!"

It was Erin's turn to heave a sigh as she massaged her temples. They both knew of the reality of Issei's possible No Level Advancement after hearing her mother's words last night. The two have been training for days and they successfully advanced their Gear to a higher level.

However, Archaea discovered that Issei's gear would not be further upgraded if the boy won't be transformed to a devil. The user needs to have that identity in order for the gear to realize its maximum potential. This makes sense seeing that the Gear is designed to kill a God so only devils can fully use it.

" But if you really want to then you can still achieve that. Well, if you agree on being a devil. Speaking of which, I did mention that Gremory-senpai is planning to possibly include you in her peerage."

" But I don't want that." Issei said and his mood further dampened. " They just want me to join them because they think I will be useful to them and not for the reason that they really want me to."

Erin agreed to what Issei said. The boy has a point and its doesn't sit well to feel like you are being used.

" And quite frankly, I am a little scared." Admitted Issei as he looked at where his gear is located. " Even though I am slowly accepting the new discovery I had, I still want things to be normal."

He faced Erin and looked at her with intensity.

" I don't want us to lose our Humanity or for us to stop being humans."

Erin directed her gaze elsewhere upon hearing Issei's words.

" If only you knew my real identity, Issei. I'm already far from being human."

She decided to ease their mood and joke to lighten the atmosphere.

" Really? What if being a Devil leads you closer to your dream of being a Harem King?"

And just like that, Issei's mood did a 180-degree turn and he was back to his eroge-self.

" Well. I suppose it won't be that bad. Hehe. I can get my own slave to do my own bidding fufu."

" Kyaah! It's Kiba-sama!"
" Kiba-kun! Look at me!"
" I love you senpai!"

Erissei faced the source of the noise and they saw the Academy Prince heading their way. The two shared a look since they already have a slight idea on what his purpose could be. Issei also learned who of the students in Kuoh are supernatural beings.

" Greetings, Vermillion-san and Hyoudou-san." The blonde boy made a curt bow. " I am Kiba Yuuto and our club president, Rias Gremory-senpai would like to extend an invitation for the two of you to visit the ORC Clubroom. She is requesting for your presence."

"What for?" Issei blurted out.

"I'm afraid only our President can answer your questions." He motioned the way with a charming smile. " Shall we go?"

Erissei shared a final look before standing up and following the blonde.

As they walked the Cafeteria Hallway, murmurs can be heard as well as the screams of some students.

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