Chapter 113: Hero Show

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" A Hero Show?"

" Hai. We are required to visit the Underworld this weekend in order to roleplay some popular fighting scenes." Rias replied as she sat on the couch.

"Hm. That's interesting." Sebastian remarked. " Send us some copies of the videos of the show, minna-san."

"I'm sure the show will not be an ordinary one. It will have a lot of audience." Xenovia said in excitement

"That's right. Onii-sama sent over the script for all of us to memorize." Rias handed out the papers. "We have 2 days to practice our lines. Well, only 1 full day if we exclude our practice this night."

" So we'll be absent tomorrow, Buchou?" Issei asked curiously

" I already informed the school about that."

Erin was carefully reading the scenes in the script. Her guess was right when it involved the part where she unlocks her Traiana move.

"Of course they're going to focus on that." she sighed

" Twin Dragons Combo?" Tsubaki uttered. " So It's going to be Master and the Perv?"

" Hai." Rias smiled. " There are 2 main events for the show. One is the Twin Dragons and the other is the Toppuresu Dragon Adventures. And oh, there's also a special arc where it involves the 2 popular wolves and Erin."

Tsubaki and Azusa blinked in surprise at this

" Sugoi. Erin-senpai and Issei-senpai are really popular." Gasper remarked and Fenrir barked in agreement

"Well, haha. I guess we have to start practicing, Erin." Issei sheepishly said. "I'm kind of nervous to perform in a huge crowd."

" You should. After all, the Dragon Emperors are the most awaited characters of the show. Especially you, Erin."

" Hai, Buchou!" Issei saluted while the Goddess only groaned

--- Day of the Hero Show -----

" Minna-san! The Oppai and Toppuresu Dragon is in a pinch! Let us help them! Send your strength to the Dragons!"

The children cheered as they chanted Oppai and Toppuresu in loud voices. The show was hosted on a large venue where special effects and high-tech wire work action was given.

" I can't believe this." Erin said in disbelief who was in her armor.

" We can't just fall!" Issei declared who was hyped up. "We've gotten stronger with everyone's power so we'll defeat you, Darkness Knight Fang!"

Kiba laughed maniacally who was assuming the role of the villain

" The result will be the same no matter how many times we fight. I will defeat you, you lowly Dragons!"

" Go Oppai!"
" Toppuresu will beat you, evil!"
" Oppai and Toppuresu Combo!"

"It's time to power-up." Issei and Erin said as they stood side by side. They raised their arms forward as if to combine their strengths

" Twin Dragons Combo!"


A puff of smoke erupted in the stage and Kiba was sent flying by the wires. The children cheered at the scene and Erissei acted mighty.

" The forces of evil will not win against the Twin Dragons. Oppai and Toppuresu, along the way!"


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