1| Last Night with Them

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Staring through my window sighing as the thought of leaving my family, my family that raise to who I am today

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Staring through my window sighing as the thought of leaving my family, my family that raise to who I am today.

I sip at the hot chocolate milk which is perfect for the cold weather in our place. I didn't even know that Keiden is calling me a couple of times before making my mind back into the reality.

"Are you okay? " he ask while making his way to me before wrapping the soft blanket to my body.

"I don't know, I just can't believe I'm leaving you guys." I mumbled as I look at his hazel colored eyes. He sigh before ruffling my hair making it look like it has been strike by the tornado.

"No you don't! " I shrieked as I place the mug on the counter, making my way to his direction before lodging myself to him.

I started ruffling his hair roughly making him gasp dramatically at thought of his hair being abuse. His words, not mine.

He looked at me while glaring his playful murderous gaze at me. "Run" he said lowly.

At that word makes me shift into the other direction, out of my room as I shrieked while giggling wildly. Sue me I still giggled.

"EMERYYY! " he shouted as I heard some loud stomping coming to my way making me run my life out to the kitchen seeing my dad cooking something for our lunch and my mom chopping some ingredients.

I run to their direction making them shift their attention to me.

"What's wrong? " my mom asked timidly as I wrap my arms to her before burying my body to her side.

"Save me mama, the devil's on the loose! " I fake cried dramatically, being a good actress I am.

"Where's the brat?" I heard him ask as we made eye contact making him smirk into his stupid face making me frown.

"Daddy, mommy his gonna kill me. Spare my life you ugly devil. " I said playfully as I tightens my grip to my mother making sure not to be captured by the devil itself in front of my parents.

"Kids go back to the living room or something, just leave this kitchen if you want to eat something nicely. " my dad sighed and shakes his head probably at thought of us trashing the kitchen like we did last month making me grin proudly. Come on I was influence by my oh so-called devil brother while Enzo was in the grocery fetching some other ingredients.

"Leave Keiden, let me be I'm sorry okay just leave me." I pleaded as a smirk on his face widens making me frown again.

He surrender his hands into the air, looking completely innocent but I know his stupid tactics.

I let go of my mom before running my life out of the kitchen with Keiden on my trail.

I shouted as if I'm being murdered while laughing and god must love me so much because Enzo is making is way to our direction.

I run to his direction as I throw myself to him holding him like a koala, a cute pretty koala making him stumbled a little before balancing his posture again.

"DON'T LET ME GO! " I shrieked as I saw Keiden grinning like a crazy Cheshire cat.

I heard vibrations to his chest as he laugh loudly while throwing me to the couch. Traitor! How could he.

I felt my body smash into our soft couch as hands started tickling me making me giggles.

"S-stop! " I shouted through my laughing figure as I tried to smack his hands away, while the traitor's keep laughing to our stance right now.

"Don't mess with my hair again or I will kill you. " he threatens me as stuck my tounge on him making him roll his eyes at my childish stance.

"If you kill me I will find you and prank and scare you specially your ugly stinky hair. " I said proudly while laughing like a villain.

"I would be specially with that face of yours." he enunciate with a fake scared look on his face, jerk!

"Enough of that, let's watch movies come on. " Enzo stopped us before I could lodge at Keiden.

This makes me frown as I don't want to accept defeat specially to him, my brother who likes to torture me.

I playfully lounge myself to Enzo's side before standing up again as I remember my poor delicious hot chocolate milk making me frown at the though of it being cold. Come on, I love my drink. Sue me. I make my way to my room getting my hot chocolate milk before making my way back again to the living room only to find my brothers sprawling the couches making no space for me.

I make my way to Keidein's direction wanting to annoy him as I made it to his side, I throw myself into him making him clutch his stomach while trying to pry me away from his stomach making me laugh evily. I shivered as the thought of me being the evil one. I'm nice trust me, but with a jerk brother like him you'll know your ways. I then sit on his side still laughing along with Enzo.

"Lunch's ready!" I heard my mom called us from the kitchen as we still watch the movie. Making me jump up to my position before making my way to the kitchen table.

"FOOD! " I exclaims as I look heavenly at the food that was prepares in the table making me salivate.

I heard Keiden sitting next to me and Enzo with Keiden mumbling some words about me being 'pig!' making me roll my eyes internally. Enzo then smack his nape making him groan as my parents looking at us lovingly. Yes looking at us lovingly of us smack OK ng each other. They're perfect.

The rest of the day we spent our time together as a family with us the young ones teasing each other. We went to the park, with my parents preparing the snacks and us playing basketball, the park has basketball ring.

After watching the sunset together we went home before making my way to my room and decided to take a bath after all this productive activities.

After drying myself, I wear my comfortable clothes which is Enzo's black hoodie and Keiden's old sweat pants.

I went to downstairs while helping my mom preparing dinner for tonight before calling my brothers and my dad to eat. We ate together as a family with a sulking Keiden because he's gonna be the one whose gonna wash the dishes.

My parents went upstairs to get ready for tonight while me and Enzo will prepare everything.

We watch movie with my mom and dad on the other couch cuddling which is so cute to watch. I love watching them happy.

While me and my brothers are gathered together in one touch with me in the middle. My head on Enzo's lap and my feer on Keiden's lap.

As we watch the movie I didn't even realize that I started dozing off to my dreamland. All I could remember is that I am lifted off my by someone who I assume one of my brothers.

They place me on my bed before tucking me off my comfy comforter and a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you always Em. I will miss you. " I heard my brother say before leaving my room.


I enter my dreamland again before cuddling my other pillow beside me.

They all have a place in my heart, always and forever. I love them.


I hope you guys like this chapter. I will release another character chapter about her family, the Jenkins family soon. <3

Her Road To Go [UNEDITED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora