41| Sleepover?

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Today is the day where we are going back to 'our' home and the happy thing is that Grandad is going with us

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Today is the day where we are going back to 'our' home and the happy thing is that Grandad is going with us. He doesn't want me to leave yet so he'll come, and beside it's my day tomorrow. I can't wait for that day!

"Are you ready? " Grandad asked as I nodded my head beside him, grandad and I are in the other car so my brothers are not here. My cousins went home yesterday so they're also not here.

"Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow Cara Mia?" Grandad asked as I played with my braided hair. I braided it nicely awhile ago.

"Yeah I am excited!" I beamed while looking at him with my sparkling yes but then again my thought saddens me.

"What's wrong Cara Mia?" he asked worriedly as my mood quickly change, from happy to sad.

"I don't know, I'm just sad that my other family is not here with me. I'm always used of celebrating my birthday with them." I mumbled but sure enough for my grandad to hear.

It's not that I didn't appreciate my new family but I still miss them. They raised and mold me to who I am today. They're always there for me all the time, it's like my life depended on them. Even though we're not related, I still love them very much. We've been through enough from thin to thick.

A hand made its way to my chin to lift it up. I looked up to my grandad to see him looking at me fondly while caressing my cheek gently.

"You know how much I hate seeing you sad because it saddens me too. Tomorrow is gonna be your special day so chin up Cara Mia. You're gonna be so surprise tomorrow." he said softly as I looked at him bewildered.

Grandad pinched my nose slightly as I playfully frowned at him but then beamed happily when he pulled out some chocolate on his pocket. My favorite!

"Thank you Grandad, you're the best! " I chirped happily as I opened the chocolate bar before biting into it. Yum!

The trip was fun, my grandad and I talked about our memories and other fun stuff which is funny and cute to think of how much whipped my grandad to his wife. In the middle of our talked, I unnoticeably feel unconscious which I'm embarrassed about but according to him, it's natural because babies actually need to sleep a lot, much to my dismay.

"Alright come on Cara Mia." I heard my grandad say as I stretched my stiff body for seating hours in the car.

We went inside the mansion and to honestly tell you, I miss this place. Where things were better with my brother Cyry. Oh how much I miss him, it's really been awhile and I still didn't see him.

I went to my room to see it clean and tidy. I walked around and settled myself before changing my worn-out clothes to my fresh and comfy clothes.

I took a nap and surprisingly I didn't have any nightmare. I didn't slept well last night because I'm worried of living here again, not after I accidentally snapped at them. Then again my grandad enunciated that he'll come with us.

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