37| Finding Her

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It's been days and actually almost a month since the last time I saw Cyry

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It's been days and actually almost a month since the last time I saw Cyry. I don't think my brothers knows I'm in my Grandad's company. They didn't even call me.

I'm trying my best to understand the situation but it's seems very wrong. It's seems like I'm the only one who keeps giving effort to them, they didn't even think that I'm also traumatize from that situation that I was in.

Each night, I can hardly sleep because of my nightmares that keeps bugging me. I'm lucky enough to have my grandad and my cousins beside me, they didn't left me behind.

It breaks my heart to think that I'm like nothing to them. I just wanted them to accept me and treat me nicely. Neglecting me is like a totally new experience in my life and at this point, It feels like I don't care anymore.

"Emery! " someone shouted as I shifted my gaze back to the culprit. I looked at them confuse.

"You're zoning out again. " Cairo said as I quickly apologize, not really feeling well right now.

"What was the question again? " I asked in my quiet tired tone. They looked at me as worried flash laced through their face.

"Did you sleep well last night? " Iker asked as he tucked some strands of hair behind my ears.

I shook my head quitely while fiddling with my fingers. Cairo gestured me to his side as I looked at him confuse.

"Come here. " he said softly as I made my way to his side. Once I'm close enough, Cairo pulled me closer to him until I plopped down next to him.

"Hey! Emery's birthday is coming right? " Kash exclaimed as a smile formed to my lips, they remembered!

"Aww my baby is growing up. No!  You're always be my baby. " Iker cooed with his grabby hands. His laptop are on his front as he is doing some work online.

"What do you want for your birthday boo boo?" Kash asked with his baby voice which makes me giggle a little at his antics.

I placed my finger on my temple as if my thinking something and then shrugged my shoulders because I know it's kinda impossible, well for me it is.

"Just name it Cara Mia and I'll get it for you." Grandad said after sipping his tea, my Grandad sure loves drinking tea.

I looked down and leaned my head into Cairo's chest. I sighed before looking at them.

"I wanted to see Cyry but that's kinda impossible." I said timidly, it saddens me not to see him. He's always there to cheer me up, encouraging me to keep up in life.

Grandad and my cousins didn't say anything, instead they nodded their heads as if they're thinking something.

"I also want to see my brothers. " I said while looking straight to my grandad.

"You want to see your brothers?" Knox asked with his eyes widens as if his shock.

"We can call them anytime right? " Kash said timidly as the last part came out like his questioning.

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