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The maids in the Adebola mansion have been working their butts off. It was a last minute arrangement. Alhaji Ibrahim had called his sister and informed her of his trip to Lagos with the family.Mamman Suhail saw this as an opportunity.Shequickly called her husband to inform him and request if the engagement can be done at the mansion, since Alhaji Ibrahim will be coming with his wife and the children. Arch Adebola has fondly called by his friends was the indifferent type when it comes to issues like this. He was only firm at business and education matters. He believes choices like this should be made by those who are involved. On the other hand, he knows parents’ intervention in matters like this means love and protection. He had given his wife the go-ahead to make plans for the engagement. His marriage to her wasn’t arranged, he doesn’t understand where this arranged marriage is coming from. Maybe there was more to it. He hopedMamman Suhail was making the right decision.

Mamman Suhail had forced Mubeen along with Suhail and Maymah to the jewellery shop. They were supposed to buy an engagement ring.  Mubeen had tried to make his mom see reasons this won’t work. He had tried talking to her, giving her attitude, threatening not to consummate the wedding if it ever takes place and even divorce. All these weren’t enough to change his mom’s stance. He had talked to his father about it and his father advised sabr and prayers. According to him, what is destined will surely come to pass, and what is not, no matter how much he tried, won’t happen. He literally just gave up and decided to watch how things unfold. He was not seeing someone anyways. Mubeen didn’t even come down from the car, he and Suhail sat there pressing their phones. Suhail’s marriage wasn’t arranged. Why was their mom insisting on Mubeen’s? Suhail had talked to their mom about it but she refused and said she had prayed about it and was convinced this is good for him. Maymah and their mom were the ones who picked the design of the ring they liked and some set of jewelleries as gift for Maryam.

The moment Suhail drove in; Mubeen got down and went straight to his room. He just needed to calm down so he doesn’t lose it. He had been working on his dad’s advice until he saw her at the kitchen that evening. He couldn’t fathom what he felt. Yes, he felt something strong for her years ago which he got over. This new feeling seemedvery different, something he had never experienced. He had been thinking about it since she left. It was different from what he felt years ago. He was confused. He had looked forward to seeing her every day since he got to England, although he wasn’t desperate. He had imagined what she looked like but she was prettier than he daydreamed. And her bashfulness ignited something in him. This is the reason he didn’t want to come home in the first place. He wasn’t ready for the headaches and heartaches this is causing. He was doing fairly well at least before Salmah came into the picture.

It was late at night and the adebolas were still expecting Maryam and her family. Maids were putting final touches on the arrangements. They had cleaned two guest rooms, prepared dinner for the expected guests, bought all ingredients and spices to be used for cooking the following day. They were also waiting for their arrival so they could wash the dishes and go to the boys quarters to get some sleep. They have to wake up very early for the next day’s event.

Mamman Suhail and her husband were seated on the sofa in the living room. They were watching ISLAMIQA on Islam channel when they heard avehicle honk. They both stood up and headed for the gate. They met the gateman on their way out and told to him to open the gate.Mamman Suhail hugged her brother the moment he parked and stepped out of the SUV. It’s been over 5 years she last saw him. He lived in Kaduna while she lived in Lagos. She hardly went home, only sent money home from time to time.  She hugged his wife too as they exchanged pleasantries in their language. The men shook hands and hugged. Mamman Suhail placed her palms on Maryam’s face and kissed her forehead.

“the older you grow, the more beautiful you become” Mamman Suhail said sweetly.

Maryam smiled and mouthed a thank you ma. Mamman Suhail scooped Lubnah from the floor like a baby. Lubnah laughed, Hajiya Ruqayyah was her favourite aunt. Well, that’s because she sends her a lot of gifts as per the baby of the house. She was ten years old.They all walked into the living room. Mamman Suhail showed Alhaji Ibrahim and his wife their room; and Maryam and Lubnah theirs as well. She went back to instruct the maids to set the dining while they had their shower and changed into something comfy.

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