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Salmah, Saalim and their mom sat side by side in the waiting hall. Dr Eesa had been in the emergency unit for over five hours, unconscious. It was a fatal accident. The driver of the car that overtook his died instantly. The doctors had carried out an MRI and brain CT scan on him. They had scheduled him for immediate surgery after finding out he had a brain haemorrhage. Salmah held her mom’s hands in hers as they sob uncontrollably. She wasn’t ready to lose her dad, not yet. Well, nobody is usually ready to lose a loved one when they do. The Qadar that had been written shall come to pass. Saalim’s phone notified them of the Zuhr prayer. He stood up and asked if they would be praying or not. He assisted their mom in standing up; she was obviously weak due to the cries and worries. They met Farhan outside the hall. He got Salmah’s text very late, probably due to network and jumped a bus to the hospital.

“Salam alaykum ma” Farhan greeted Mummy Saalim

“wa alaykum salam bro” Saalim responded. Mummy Saalim replied silently and nodded at Farhan.

“How far? How’s he doing now? What are the doctors saying?”

“He is still unconscious. They said the MRI saw a haemorrhage in the brain which needs to be drained immediately. His surgery is to start by 3. They are also suspecting a fracture on the right shoulder. But they’ll get an x-ray done after the surgery."

“Subhanallah. This isn’t good. We hope it’s not more than this and pray it doesn’t degenerate to something worse. Ah... O ga o. You were on your way out?”

“Yes, we were going to the mosque. It’s time for Zuhr”

“Okay, I haven’t prayed either. Let’s go” he held Mrs Eesa by the wrist and patted the back of her hand gently, “Mummy, don’t worry, ehn... he’s going to be fine. The surgery will be successful, I’m sure. May Allah grant him shifaa as soon as possible ma. E pele ma” he said feeling so sorry for her. Her eyes were swollen.

“Aamin o. Aamin omo mi. Ose modupe. Oseun gan.” She wiped the fresh tears and sniffed.

When they got back from the mosque, they met Salmah still seated where they left her. She had stopped crying but seemed to be deep in thought. Farhan greeted her and she could only smile back at him. Her throat was too clogged to speak; she didn’t have the strength to. A nurse came in to request the receipt of necessary payments for the surgery and items needed. Saalim brought it out from his pocket and handed it to her. He had paid via POS using his mom’s ATM card. The nurse collected it and checked through.

“The surgery is to start by 3pm as stated earlier. You may be with him for the next 15 minutes before he’ll be transferred to the theatre.” She said and left.

Mrs Eesa and Salmah were the first to enter the ward. They found him lying on the orthopaedic bed with several wires connected to his chest area, wearing an oxygen mask with some machine showing his vitals. He was now on the blue sterilised patient wear. Mrs Eesa couldn’t stop the tears as she silently sobbed as if any sound made could wake him up. Salmah held her hand and rubbed her back in a circular motion. Although the tears kept running down her cheeks, she still had to be strong for their mom. She gently helped her mom sit as they both watched him breathe, several unhealthy thoughts occupied their minds.

“All we need do is to pray mummy. I’m sure the surgery will be successful and he will be fine, we will be back to our happy family again. This is a trial from our Lord, and like you always told me mom, seek for Allah’s mercy and grace in times of trials. This is has to be done in patience, sabr, because, Innallaha ma’a saabireen”

It sounded more like she was convincing herself than consoling her mom. She opened her palms and recited some du’as, then blew it over him. Saalim knocked and slowly opened the door, allowing Farhan in first. Salmah and her mom left the room and sat at the waiting room. After some minutes, the attendants came in to wheel him to the theatre. They all went along till they got to the entrance of the theatre and sat at the corridor silently praying for the success of the surgery.

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