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Farhan and Zahra had invited the Adebolas to a mini-get together holding at their place. Zahra fell ill two months after Nikah. At first they had thought it was stress of writing the final exams coupled with wedding preparations, when it became worse, Farhan had to take her blood sample to the lab; it was then confirmed she was pregnant. The sickness got so bad, she couldn’t eat. The little pap and liquid she was forced to drink; she ended up vomiting almost everytime. Zahrah’s induction fell within those three months and they couldn’t throw a party. She literally went to mark attendance at the induction and went back home immediately after the event. So, when she felt much better a week into her second trimester, she insisted Farhan celebrates her induction as well as sharing the news with families and friends.

Salmah had been waiting for Mubeen for close to an hour now. Living with Mubeen for four months has been awesomely awesome for Salmah. Although, they had their fair share of disputes, its amazing how Mubeen apologises first without dragging it till the next day. They were supposed to arrive at Zahrah’s place earlier than others because she needed to help out with some arrangements. With the way things appear, Mubeen was going to make them late. She dialled his number again.

“I’m home already, ma binu”

“Okay, don’t bother coming in, we are late already. Mo tin bo”

The heavy traffic was what they least expected on their way to the mainland. Although Farhan and Zahrah’s parent stayed on the Island, Farhan preferred the mainland because it was closer to work. By the time they arrived there, the party was almost over. The most surprising thing was seeing Maymah and Ahmad at the party. Maymah was supposed to be in the hospital as she was yet to have frequent and strong contractions at 41+ weeks. Ahmad had told them the doctor said she willbe scheduled for a C-Section which infact was supposed to be the following day.

Maymah had turn to a first grade clown since pregnancy. Ahmad told Mubeen the stunts his sister pulled so she doesn’t miss this party. Mubeen had laughed his head off and appreciated Ahmad for condoning her excesses and understanding her condition. “I love her, Mubeen, its all fun. Of course, when it becomes history”, was his response. So, the C-Section date was changed to two days after the party.

The party was like a mini reunion for Maymah, Zahra and Salmah. Now, that three of them are married, it’s inevitably difficult for them to meet up like before. Zahrah and Maymah shared their pregnancy experiences and Salmah just giggled along. It was eating her deep, how she got married before them and they are all having babies before her. She wasn’t in any way envious of them; it was just being human. She hoped for hers very soon.

The day after, she received another package from the delivery guy on behalf of Mubeen. She carefully placed it in his side of the closet and continued with the chores. Ahmad had called and reminded them that Maymah’s CS was the following day. He had pleaded with them to remember her in their du’a. Later that night, while ironing her clothes,she received a message from an unknown number.

May Allah snatch away your happiness the way you snatched mine, Witch! And people would think you are spiritual o, from the way you look like mami water, people should have known you are emere.

“Audhubillah!” she skipped through the stairs to meet Mubeen at the living room. He was watching a la liga match.

“What happened? Why the hurry? Where are you going?”

She sat beside him and showed him the message. He read and re-read.

“Who is it? What’s it about? Were you in dispute with any one? Did you quarrel with anyone?”

“NO! None I can remember. I don’t know the person. What’s this bayii? What happiness are they talking about?”

“Relax! It’s nothing to worry about. Just ignore it, if you don’t respond, the person would come out clean and we can take it up from there. Relax.” He hugged her sideways.

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