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Zahra and Salmah finished writing their 300 level, second semester exams three days ago. They were packing their bags for dawah camp, which was usually after each semester examinations. As soon as they finished packing, they stormed out of the hostel to the school's central mosque. The camp started the previous day, but they couldn't make it. This was because Farhan went to meet with Zahrah's parents, more like a familiarisation. They got to school late at night and decided to go the following morning.

They met other delegates during the first session of the day. It was a fiqh session by Dr. Imran who was a renowned Islamic scholar. The habit of bringing authorities in each aspect of the deen to deliver or facilitate lectures at dawah camp was attributed to their school. The classy touch they put in all their MSSN activities was something other schools envied. Well, this may be partly due to the social status of their students or the courses offered in the school.

Shortly after the first session, delegates were given 10 minutes break for salatud-duha. Thereafter were the question and answer session, salatul Zuhr, lunch and siesta. The camp lasted for five days. The lectures were on point, interactive and gender-based sessions too were awesome. During the siesta on one of the days, the Naibul Amir on behalf of the Amir had a talk with Salmah, with Zahra present which made him uncomfortable. Zahra being Zahrah insisted she had to stay with Salmah for security reasons. That girl! He expressed that the Amir would like to send a proposal to her parent, only after she had consented. Zahra being the naughty one, immediately responded that she was engaged. Although, Salmah wasn't, she just smiled and nodded, confirming Zahra's statement.

Salmah, on her way home, branched at an eatery to get a bowl of ice cream and pizza for her sister. Sakeenah was on holiday, the long vacation. They were yet to meet as Salmah was writing her exams when Sakeenah got back. She missed her sister terribly; she couldn't wait to see how grown she had become. She pulled her box behind her, holding the nylon of pastries with the other hand, her handbag on her shoulder. Coming home in a public transport can be very hectic, especially with bags and boxes. Her one-piece black jilbab showed she was a traveller, it had dust here and there. Beads of sweat running down her temples. Once she managed to get to their living room, she sat with a thud on the sofa. From the stress of having to board four different vehicles and a bike home, to arguing with the conductor for her change, and pulling the box from one point of alight to another for boarding, and then from their gate to their living room, she wasn't used to it in the least. She was exhausted.

"Siisiisi!!!" Sakeenah screamed and jumped on her sister

"keenah, keenah... how are you? Mmmuaahh!" She pecked her,"I missed you" Salmah released her from the hug and Sakeenah sat on the same sofa, facing her sister.

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah. I missed you more. But I'm very mad at you! Why didn't you tell me dad had an accident?"

"I couldn't. You were writing your terminal examinations. I wouldn't distract you for anything. Besides, it wasn't like you'll be allowed home, you'll just be worried over nothing. Ma binu dear. How's your result?"

"As usual. Where's my ice cream and pizza?" Sakeenah was the class topper, it stopped being a big deal to her as no one had been able to shift her from the position.

Salmah pointed at the nylon on the floor. Her handbag and box were still lying on the floor. "You couldn't even help carry those loads to my room ba? Ice cream ati pizza lo jee logun"

"Sorry jare, I'll carry it after eating" she said with her mouth full.

Salmah stood up carried her things and staggered to her room. "Sis, there's gist o" She heard her sister shout as she dumped herself on the bed and laid in for about five minutes before getting up to clean and prepare for Maghrib. After some minutes, Sakeenah banged on her door to inform her that they were waiting for her at the living room to say the Maghrib salah. She hurried up and drew her wine jilbab over her head before stepping out of the room.

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