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The following morning, the trio was ready to leave for the hospital as early 7:30. They are well aware that they won’t be allowed in until about 8 am or beyond, so it gave them ample time to arrive early at the hospital and have their breakfast in the SUV. Salmah hurried to get her bag before joining Saalim and mummy in the vehicle as Saalim drove out of the compound some few minutes after.

“Good morning doctor” Saalim greeted. He had went in immediately and luckily, met the doctor in charge at the entrance of the recovery room. There was a little bit of traffic, so they got to the hospital at about 8:45am or thereabout.

"Good Morning sir, hope you got to rest last night” Dr Chude smiled at him and Saalim nodded and smiled back.

“He’s recuperating well, he woke up about 2 in the morning... he seems to be coming up pretty good. Let’s hope he keeps this up... he should be transferred to the ward anytime soon. I already instructed that should be done. Pending that time, you’ll need to come along so I can write some prescriptions and you can go get them.”

“Oh... alright sir. Thank you very much sir" He trailed behind the doctor as they both walked down the hallway to the consulting room.

Saalim took long strides out of the building to the car park, he couldn’t wait to share the good news with his family. Low key, he too had thought daddy was probably not going to make it, anything that had to do with brain or head injury was like a death sentence.

“Mummy, he’s awake!” He said in a breath

“Alhamdulillah! Ah...” she placed her palm on her chest like a burden as just been lifted off her. Which of the favours of her Lord would she deny?

Salmah quickly sent Farhan and Zahrah the good news via text message.

“Where are you going? Can we see him now?” She hoped

“To the pharmacy, once he’s been transferred to the ward, we can. I’ll just run along. Be back in a few, In shaa Allah”. He said and jogged off.

Salmah wrapped her arm around her mom’s as she placed her head on her shoulder. Trials they say does not only make you closer to God, it makes you realise how magnificently merciful our Rabb is. Family is everything, she was grateful. The noise from her phone, an excuse for a ringtone disturbed their warm Thanksgiving moment. It was an international number and she was sure it was him.

She silenced it and waited till it ended before putting the phone on a 'don’t disturb' mode. She dropped it in her bag as they both wait for Saalim, so they can go check up on Dr Eesaa.

She remembered she was yet to reply Maymah's text from last night which she saw this morning. She quickly composed a text that included that daddy was awake now and tapped the send icon.

After almost an hour, they were finally allowed in the ward. It was an emotional moment for their mom. So, once they had a little chat with their dad, they left the parents to have a reunion. Salmah loved the relationship her parents shared, it was something she hoped to experience or even better. They quarrel, they have misunderstandings and sometimes got really mad at each other. It never lasted beyond 24hours, how they do it, she had no idea. They were debating on either sitting at the waiting area or in the car, when Farhan approached them.

“Bro...Alhamdulillah. I’m so glad” he shook Saalim's hand before hugging him.

“Salamu alaykum Farhan” Salmah smiled

“Cry baby, how are you doing? Your husband will try...” He teased

“As in... I wasn’t the only one that thought same!” Saalim chimed

“Is that your wa alaykumussalam? Besides, I’m sure he’s not going to be as mean as you two" She faked being you hurt

“Wa alaykumus salam warahmatullah dearest sister, we were just stating the obvious" Farhan winked at her.

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