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Salmah was in the living room when she had a knock. She had just completed her Zuhr prayer and was reciting her adhkar. She intended to get done with it and say her nawafil before Mubeen arrives from the masjid. She got up to peep through the door and see who it was, and to her surprise, it wasn’t just a person. What! Why did they choose to come together? The teasing she’ll get today would be a handful, she envisaged. She went back to say her nawafil before opening the door. At that time, Mubeen had joined them outside.

“Salam alaykum warahmatullah wa baarakatuhu” she emphasized every alphabet in the tasleem

“Wa alaykumus salam warahmatullah wabaarakatuhu” they did same with Mubeen chairing it and she eyed him.

She was more amazed when she saw Mubeen’s friends, Sakeenah and Yusuf. She had thought it was just Zahrah and Maymah. It was a full house. After exchanging pleasantries, she served them water and drinks with the help of Sakeenah. After which she found a spot beside Mubeen to sit.

“How is it? How have you two been?” Farhan asked

“Alhamdulillah, pretty much good” Mubeen nodded as he responds

“See the way the “Alhamdulillah” sounds, omo, marriage sweet o” Ahmad interjected and they chuckled

“The same way Salmah said the tasleem, yeah” Maymah added.

“Please, some people shouldn’t even try to talk to me at all, they know themselves” Salmah eyed Zahrah and Maymah.

Zahrah usually got very shy in the presence of Farhan unlike Maymah. This still amazes Salmah till date, like Zahrah, the overly blunt and hyper girl, can be shy in someone’s presence. But well, she still spoke up, only softer than her usual lines.

“We are sorry na, its just two weeks” Zahrah pleaded

“Yes Saly, we really don’t know when to or not to call or text. We wouldn’t want to interrupt anything you know” Maymah winked at her.

“What are you interrupting o, small people are here, please o” Sakeenah chided.
And the whole room echoed their laughter. Sakeenah is the clown of the family, funny and outspoken.

“Abi, don’t mind them. Two weeks is long and you know it. I’m seriously not happy with both of you. You just left me in the cold and turned your back against me, I even texted Zahrah, she was doing like crayfish, and Maymah that leaves next door oo, hmmn”

“Am I the cold? Subhanallah!” Mubeen faked hurt and they giggled at his reaction.

“Ya Mubeen categorically told me not to step in his hood for one whole week after Nikah na, what should I have done? And I sat in my father’s sitting room jeje” Maymah defended.

“Mubeen Mubeeen...” Ahmad teased

“On their behalf, i apologise” Farhan said placing his palm on his chest and taking a bow.

“It’s fine jare. Yusuf! How are you doing? And I’m sure someone dragged you here. Tell me, who is it? Ahmad or Sakeenah?”

“Ahmad bawo? Trust your sister to be at work” Ahmad exonerated himself.

“Sakeenah! You ehn! Despite the fact he’s your 2 years senior. Anyway,Yusuf how’s the admission process going?”

“Alhamdulillah I got the admission already. Aerospace engineering, University of Nottingham.”

“Maa shaa Allah!” they chorused it as if it was planned.

“I knew you will go places, after winning that National Mathematics competition. Baarakallahu feek bro”

FallibleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon