twenty one

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Salam alaykum sis. Can we meet at Ifelodun Central Mosque, along Mathew road by 10am tomorrow? Let me know if you would be coming.
Salmah Eesa-Adebola.

Salmah checked her phone for the umpteenth time to see if Faariah had replied her SMS. She hoped that she hasn’t disposed that line yet. It was the same number she chats her with and even received SMS from. She needed to have a talk with her, Salmah felt that Faariah must be as hurt as she is when he divorced her. Since Faariah was seeking redress, they all should probably meet and end this for good. Mubeen needs to seek her forgiveness too.

It was almost three weeks and Salmah still hasn’t been replying his texts nor returning his calls. She spent her time bonding with Khalid and Hamzah. Suhail, Farhan and Ahmad were at the house some days ago to plead on behalf of Mubeen. Baba stood his ground that until Salmah forgives him and decides otherwise, Mubeen wasn’t allowed in the building or anywhere near her. During the weekend, one of the maids in the house met Mubeen at a nearby supermarket and informed him of Salmah’s plan to visit Kidsco the following day. Mubeen got to kidsco the next day as early as 6:40a.m before the shop opened. Immediately the shop opened, he got out of his car and went in. With the help of a shop assistant, he bought several baby wears for his nephews and went back to his car to await the arrival of Salmah. Luckily for him, Salmah showed up around 12:45pm. He waited till she was done shopping before approaching her at the car park. As usual, she waited to listen to his pleas and when he was done, she walked away.

“Would you at least, accept this gifts on behalf of my nephews, please” he ran after her

“Why not? Thanks” she collected them, got in the car and ordered the driver to start the ride.

Salmah checked her phone again and still there was no message from Faariah. She made du’a and blew it over the babies before leaving them in Ammii’s room. They have been sleeping in ammii’s room since she got back from the hospital. She got into her room and prepared to sleep when her phone beeped. She hurried to check it and hissed seeing it was from Mubeen.

I can’t bear this punishment again Salmah. It’s been three weeks Dunni! Your silence is killing me. Please Dunni, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. How do I prove it you? I’m sorry. Please talk to me, please.

She woke up to Faariah’s message the following morning and immediately put a call through to Mubeen.

“Salam alaykum warhmatullah”

Mubeen doesn't know how to feel the moment he heard her taslim, like salmah called him?! Salmah freaking called him. The end is near.

"Wa alaykumus salam Dunni, how was your night?”

“Salmah. Its salmah. And my night was blissful. Yours?”

“Aweful, draining, restless”

“Exactly what you deserve. Can you pick me up 9a.m today? I need to be somewhere on the mainland by 10.”

“Yes yes! I’ll be at the gate by 8am. In shaa Allah”

“See you by 9a.m.”

“Thank you, thank you so much Dunni”

She hung up and got began to get ready for the day. She went to say tasleem to Ammii and Baba, and met them at the main living room. Baba was carrying Hamzah and Khalid was with Ammii. They were identical twins and resembled Ahmad so much. Ahmad had wished they took after his late wife, but who was he to dictate to Allah how to create his servants? Hamzah was a bit chubbier than Khalid, that was what differentiated them.She sat with them for some minutes enjoying the story Ammii shared about how Baba hit his head on a wall staring at her because all he had was the first gaze. He knew the second gaze was a sin. And how he felt very embarrassed in the mall after Ammii and her friends made fun out of it. She informed them she’ll be visiting a friend and then Zahra later in the day, which they had no objection to. Baba had offered his car and driver, but she declined saying she’ll find her way as she would be coming home very late; to avoid any disappointment if Baba needed to go out and she wasn’t back.

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