Chapter 3: The past part 2

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"I tried to overdose on painkillers,"



Before Deku's third and final year of middle school, all of his friends, minus Haru who wanted to stay with Deku, moved to the US to go to highschool. Some of them were in their second year but they waited for Deku to be emotionally ready for when they left.

Haru started going to a local high school in the heroics course that was near UA so he could visit Deku when school ended. He knows that Deku will make it into the heroics course. He has total faith in him. He knew that his boyfriend was smart, his evidence being all of his notebooks, and strong, both physically and emotionally. Deku is the strongest person Haru's ever known.

There was a lot of crying the night before they left, and there was a lot of crying at the airport, but the year passed on quickly.

And that's how he found himself on the last day before the summer break of his third year of middle school.

His teacher called him out for applying to UA Highschool and now he was dealing with Bakugou's wrath.


"You're better off taking a swan dive off the roof loser! Maybe you could even get a heroic quirk in your next life!" Bakugou spat at the green-haired boy, malice lining his words. He had already cremated Deku's notebook and threw the ashes out, burning months of work.

Deku put up a defiant stance but quickly faltered under his tormentor's glare, reducing into a trembling mess, shadows rising up on instinct.


Outside, Deku walked back to The Pad, internally seething. 'That idiot, you can't go out and tell people to kill themselves. What if I really jumped? What would he do then?'

He sighed. His notebook, his dreams, had been turned into ash at the bottom of a koi pond!

"Kid, it seems as if you've developed a quirk early due to the trauma of the car crash. These kinds of quirks are volatile and hard to control, so I can't see you being a hero. Sorry kid."

The beeping of machines and the footsteps out in the hallway leave Izuku's ears as he sits in his hospital bed.

"It allows you to control shadows. That'll probably be extremely hard to control, so there's no point in becoming a hero if you can't control your quirk."

"I just need to believe in myself! Remember what Haru told me!" Deku said to himself, not realizing the growing sludge behind him.

"You'll make a nice skinsuit kid," a voice growled behind Deku. "Don't worry, it'll only hurt for a minute."

By that time, Deku had already spun around, instinctually conjuring shadows around his body and hands, forming armor and claws.

"W-Woah" Deku stood still, eyes showed amazement and fear, "I-I meant, t-try me!"

Suddenly, Deku disappeared, leaving the villain confused, not quite catching Deku's reappearance behind him.

"Sorry, but you brought this upon yourself by attacking me," Deku muttered before slicing the villain into tiny pieces with his shadow claws, reducing them to little globs of slime on the floor. He found some soda bottles and scooped the villain up, securing the cap.

"I AM HERE!" A boisterous voice accompanied by a big figure leaping out of the manhole cover sounded behind Deku.

"O-oh All Might! H-Here! I captured this villain b-by myself! Take him!" Deku said, handing All Might the bottles the villain was in.

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