Chapter 4: The rumor

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"Come here, green bean,"


The confession had been a couple of weeks after the Stain incident, so Deku had gotten a lot of stares every time he went somewhere. So he and Haru had felt every pair of eyes on them as they made it home after their little moment in the alleyway, causing them to pass out on their bed due to exhaustion, but not before changing into pyjama's for comfort.

Throughout the weekend, Deku spent his time cuddling with his boyfriend in the comfort of their base and face-timing with the rest of his friends in America.

On Monday, he walked with Haru to the train station and waved when his train's door closed, as usual.

When he made it to school, he felt stares on him, which wasn't unusual as he was in the Stain incident a couple of weeks ago, but these stares felt different.

They felt like middle school.

He brushed it off and made his way to class.

When he opened the door, he was met with half of the class glaring at him with disgust and the other half giving him sympathetic gazes.

"H-Hey guys...what's wrong?" Deku asked cautiously, closing the door behind him.

"I'll tell you slut!" Mina yelled at him.

"S-Slut what..?" Deku whispered, scared.

"You're sleeping with older men for money!" Uraraka yelled.

"W-What! N-No! I'm n-not!" Deku stuttered out, flashbacks beginning to form in his mind.

"Shut it! We have proof!" Mina said, taking her phone out of her pocket.

She showed him a photo of him kissing Haru from Friday in the alleyway, although Haru looked weirdly older than he usually looked.

"I-I'm not sleeping with o-older m-men, I swear!" Deku yelled out, looking to his classmates for help.

All he received were either disgusted looks or sympathetic stares.

"I-I'm not... not sleeping..." Deku trailed off, before collapsing onto the ground.

"DEKU!" Bakugou yelled, surprising his classmates.

He ran towards the collapsed Deku, who was muttering under his breath.

The only two people to pick up what he was saying were Jiro and Shoji, who had heightened hearing because of their quirks.

All they could make out were, "I'm sorry," "let me go, please," and "Dad stop," which made them very confused and concerned.

Bakugou shot a glare towards the class and carried Deku out into the hallway. Kirishima followed after them, concerned.


"Deku, you need to breathe. Count with me, ok? 1, 2, 3, breath in, 1, 2, 3, breath out," Bakugou kneeled in front of Deku who was slumped over in the hallway.

While Bakugou regulated Deku's breathing, Kirishima was standing there, not knowing what to do.

"Oi, Ei, open Deku's phone and call the contact that's named "Haru"," Bakugou told his boyfriend, using the secret nickname for him accidentally while handing him Deku's phone.

"R-Right...what do I tell him?" Kirishima asked, opening the phone that, surprisingly, didn't have a password on it.

"Tell him to come to pick up Deku and that he's having a panic attack," Bakugou told him, stroking Deku's hair.

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