Chapter 8: The party

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"I'm going to kick their ass,"

"Do it,"


The months flew by since Izuku came to America and Izuku's life is better than ever. He learned from his texts with his friends in UA that they all moved into dorms after Katsuki was kidnapped from their training camp. Izuku was tempted to fly down to Japan but Aizawa sensei convinced him not to.


He and Hawks have built up a good older/younger brother relationship, which he's very happy about. He and Koda have bonded over Koda sharing information about what's happening with his old classmates. He's been named #1 in the school and is set to graduate three years early with the rest of the 'Snakes Gate', all of which are going to graduate at the same time, which is this year.

So life is going great for Izuku.

It was a Friday night and his group of friends decided that they wanted to go out and party. He didn't like to drink, since he didn't like the taste, but let his friends drink since he likes to see them happy.

He decided to get dressed at around 11:30 pm since the part started at 12:30 and they lived 30 minutes away. Walking out of his walk-in closet, Izuku was happy with his outfit choice, since he thought he looked cute.

He didn't have to wait long for Haru, since Haru usually doesn't take too long to get dressed.

Izuku felt his face get a little red when he saw Haru since he usually only dressed and hoodies and sweat pants.

'Oh god, I'm so lucky,'

As Haru walked up to Izuku, fiddling with his jacket zipper, Izuku carefully stood onto his toes and took his head into his hands. He kissed Haru softly, expressing all of his emotions through their kiss.

"Hm, not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" Haru asked, a small smile finding it's way onto his face.

"I'm just...thinking about how lucky I am, I guess," Izuku said, taking himself off of his toes and dragging Haru through the hallways of the mansion, making their way to the main entrance to wait for the rest of their friends.

As they're the first ones there, they had to wait a couple of minutes for everyone else to be ready. They all came trickling in one at a time.

Yami was first, as she's the most responsible.

Ruka came out next since she doesn't like wasting time changing.

After Ruka, Shu was next.

Ro was third to last since he was trying a new style tonight and wanted it to look good.

Ki was second to last since he probably fell asleep.

Yoru was last, like always. They always take the most time since they always want to look their best.

Once they were all ready and by the door, they all piled into the black jeep they had for when they're going to parties and need a designated driver, which is usually Izuku since he doesn't like to drink.

Yami drove them on the way there, as she's the best driver and the 'Mom friend'. The drive was only around 30 minutes, but throughout the entire ride, the car was filled with laughter and jokes.

When they made it to the house, the party looked like it was already in full swing. People were dancing, drinking, grinding, you name it.

Yoru dragged Ki over to the bar to get drinks, though Ki looked ready to knock Yoru out with a single punch if they get to be too much.

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